Juu hachi: Best thing I never had

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Just posted 8 chapters straight (this is the eighth). I made those chapters during the times there were no internet or electricity and I feel extremely tired because I had to edit 8 chapters straight. Yeah, and I know, I’m sorry it’s quite short. And I bet I left out so many other errors in the other chapters, and I apologize for that. This is probably a shitty chapter and I just want to eat and watch yaoi (yes I must admit, I’m quite fond of yaoi. Have you ever tried watching junjou romantica or sekaiichi hatsukoi? These two animes changed my whole perspective of yaoi). Anyway, enough chit chatting, let’s go on to chapter eighteen!

Juu hachi: Best thing I never had

     I came home tired and hungry. My stomach growled like a lion and it really started to hurt. I remembered how many times I've whined and complained over and over again to Sasuke-teme and Sakura-chan how hungry I am but Sasuke would only tell me to shut up! He didn't want us to eat out because he says it's unsafe to be wandering out in the night this late and he says he has to do something important at home. Sakura just couldn’t help but agree, just like when we were kids.

    To be frank, I'm really starting to doubt if he's actually human or not. Who does nothing but walk and talk the whole day without taking a single bite to eat? "Okaeri!" I hear my mother greet and I just ignore her as I take off my shoes due to my habit and go straight to my room to lay down.

     I was about to close my eyes until the door bursted open, revealing my angry mother. Her fists were clenched, her eyes were wide and bloodshot and it seems like her red hair is floating in mid air. I shot up from my bed and crawl backwards to get away from her. What the heck?

    "Say 'Tadaima' and eat with us!" She growls. "We waited for you for hours and yet you didn't even greet us back! You just ignored us like we didn't exist!" She scolds as she raised her clenched fist. “You’re being quite rude lately and I am not happy about this!”

     "Calm down, Kushina." My father says, rubbing her shoulders to calm her down. "Come on, Naruto, you don't want to upset your mother, do you?" He says. “Remember the last time you made her angry?” And with that, I knew exactly what he really meant judging by the look in his eyes: Just eat with us or else she'll kill you with our bare hands. I swallow the lump in my throat, suddenly feeling scared as I stand up obediently and follow them to the dining room. 

    "Tadaima," I mutter shyly as I sit down on the table. My mother smiles cheerfully while my father sweatdrops. Such an odd pair, they both contrast each other. "Itadakimasu," I say before picking up my chopsticks and beginning to eat.

    I ate as fast I can after that due to two reasons: I don't want to stay with the fakes and I'm really hungry. I ate like the wind, finishing everything that goes on the table and it seems like my appetite is pleasing the both of them. That's a good sign, right? Once I'm done, I quickly stand up and leave a word of thanks before going back to my room. 

    I rested my back against the door before letting out a long sigh. I scanned my room; everything is so...different yet at the same time, so alike. The walls are orange and there are many shelves full of comics, action figures and clothes are scattered all over the place. My unmade bed's cover is orange to match with the wall and it has the symbol of Konoha on it. My room looks like the typical boy's room that I've always imagined.

    I then spot an album at a shelf above my bed and walk toward it. Due to my curiosity, I pull it out of the shelf and open it to see baby pictures of myself with my parents smiling down proudly at me. I couldn't help but smile at the many family photos we've had in this world along with the many birthday parties we celebrated. The pictures have also captured important moments like my first smile, walk and day of school, etc.

    All of these memories the me in this world experienced is what I've always yearned for in life but unfortunately wasn't able to have it. I've always wanted a loving family who would always be there waiting for me when I get home. I've always wanted to eat on a table full of laughter and stories and not be alone. I've wanted so many things in life and somehow I've got it all here in this world, excluding the fact that I'm not hokage, for a moment, I'm actually doubting if he really wants to do us harm. 

    I scowl in confusion once I've realized I don't know who 'he' is. Who is 'he' again? I know that Sasuke, Sakura-chan and I discussed this but why can't I remember? Who is the mastermind again? Who planned all of this again? Who is the hokage again of this village? I can't remember it once again, and it really feels like a blur, just like when I've tried to remember what happened before we came here. I also can't remember what I'm supposed to do, I know it is something important, but what? Why did I forget such an important thing so easily? 

    Just what is happening to me?

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