Chapter 2 - The Coffee Incident

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"Hey, the truth hurts, just like this scorching coffee that you spilled on me."

Way to guilt trip me into telling you why I was out last night!

I sighed as I brushed a hand through my hair, or at least tried to, it was a tangled mess, "I was out to buy avocados so I could make avocado toast."

"Sorry, but did you say avocado toast?"


"How disgusting. A completely lame reason for you to be outside."

"I had to feed myself!" I protested.

"The day I eat avocado toast is the day I will starve myself to death," He shook his head, "Absolutely unbelievable."

I rolled my eyes and then realized, "I seriously need to go, I'm going to be late."

"You already are."

"What!" I looked at my phone and checked. He was right.

"Yeah, the bell rang like ten minutes ago."

Then I remembered something, "Crap! I have a presentation to do!"

"Wow, Ms. I-will-cut-you-with-my-pocket-knife is a goody two shoes?"

"Screw off!" I turned around heading to class.

The boy laughed then he yelled, "What's your name?"

I debated telling him but then decided why not, "Val." I called over my shoulder.

School was probably the safest place you could be. We had security guards lined at every exit and even inside the hallways. Thanks to that, we rarely had any school fights -at least not many on school property, the guards always broke the fights up before they got too brutal. I'm sure people must've fought outside in dark alleyways.

I let out a sigh of relief as I walked into class. I thanked my lucky stars that Ms. Beauregard was also late today.

Or so I thought.

I turned away from the teacher's desk and looked towards my seat. There she was.

Ms. Beauregard sat at my desk, shaking her head in disappointment as she tapped her watch.

She stood up.

Here comes death!

"You're nine minutes and fifty-three seconds late, Ms. Lockhart. What's your excuse?"

"I'm really sorry, I slept in," I answered, sheepishly.

"You owe me nine minutes and fifty-three seconds of your lunch hour today."

The rest of the class let out quiet sniggers.

Like my day wasn't already horrible enough.

"Yes ma'am," I grumbled.

It was probably best if I just went along with it and saved myself from getting into further trouble.

I took my seat beside my long-time best friend Riley King. Riley tried to mask her laugh as she shook her head at me. A lot of people had been shaking their heads at me today and it was only eight thirty.

"Valerie, you're going first for your presentation," Ms. Beauregard informed me.

I swear on every angel out there, this teacher was the devil's incarnation.

This time Riley didn't attempt to hide her laugh. She was going to pay later. I stuck my tongue out at her before heading to the front of the class.

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