Chapter 14-Plan

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The plan was simple. At least I hoped it would be simple and stupid enough to work. We were running low on time and Ashton's life was depending on it. If they were planning what we thought they were, we knew that they would come. I'd borrowed Michael's phone calling someone at a few of the local news stations that Mikerowave and Dr. Fluke were battling it out on the main street.

CalPal was waiting in the building we'd been in. We'd double, and triple tested the communicators ensuring that if anything bad happened to him we could get down to help him in a heartbeat. Same if things were the opposite, though we'd agreed he wouldn't leave Ashton unless things were totally dire and the whole world was at stake. At least that's what we'd hoped.

Mikerowave and I had argued our way out into the middle of a roundabout in the centre of town. I was cautious of the cars and the people driving but I knew we needed to be in the public's eye and unfortunately that involved being near actual people. I just hoped that no one was caught in the crossfire.

"It's your fault Dr. Fluke that SMASH is dead! If you hadn't been so blind as to what we were getting ourselves into," Mikerowave yelled the anger in his eyes painfully real, as he threw a fireball up and down in his palm.

I knew that we were just acting but I couldn't help but feel as though his words were real. It was like hearing the voice inside my head come to life. Taking a deep breath, I continued to play along.

"What we were getting ourselves into? Excuse me but no one said you even had to join this team anyway." I retorted.

"I joined because I thought it was the right thing to do Luke, you lied." He yelled viciously, "You told us all that we were going to help a lot of people, now our friend is dead, and you fail to act like you care."

"Of course, I care, Mikerowave." I said, I could feel real tears welling back up in my eyelids as I thought of Ashton. "How was I to know that was going to happen?"

"You don't Dr Fluke and that's the problem." He spoke his eyes narrowing on me. I was surprised at how good he was at this whole acting thing, it was quite easy for me to play off him.

A moment later he sent a fireball flying over my head, I ducked barely dodging it. I felt my hair grow warm and I gasped quickly patting down the slightly singed section at the top of my quiff. The smell of burning hair lingered in the air. I frowned, letting out a yell at him as I used my powers to send him flying back into one of the roundabout signs. I was careful to make sure he landed on his feet and didn't hit too badly. He let out an overdone groan before he stood and raced back towards me his fist clenched as if prepared for a punch. Guess we were leaving our powers alone for a minute.

"Fuck, Mikerowave are you trying to kill me?" I yell whispered at him in passing as he swung his hand and punched out at me. Luckily, he'd only set fire to the top of my hair.

"Sorry." Michael whispered back, as I kicked underneath his legs, him jumping over it, "it was a miss aim."

Mikerowave kicked out at me, I was thankful that I could read his moves because if I didn't I was sure his attacks would hurt. I raised my arm sending him flying him into the air and sending him to a spin. The two of us continued for some time like that and I was starting to get a little worried no one was coming. We'd wear out our own powers before someone even turned up.

"Is it working?" Mikerowave hissed under his breath.

"A little longer." I nodded.

Around us I already could seeing our fight appearing on the screens of the televisions in the department store across the road. People were crowded around them clearly curious as to our next move, while others pointed over at us from the kerb realising what was going on. People honked their horns around the roundabout and in some places the movement of the roundabout had stopped as people watched on. Two famous superheroes fighting seemed to be newsworthy enough, surely. My eyes caught up on the cameraman above both in the roof and in the helicopter above. It was working, but would it be enough?

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