Chapter 9-Black Boots and Black Jeans

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A/N: A million years later I finally update this. I plan to eventually rewrite this in many regards still keeping with the superhero theme, but I wanted to finish the original version first. :)

"You know now that we've started doing this, I think we need a cool team name?" Michael pondered as he swirled his finger over the rim of the glass. "Something cool like the Avengers or Justice League?"

"Come on aren't our names, enough?" Calum glanced up at him.

Michael pouted, not letting this go. "Seriously come on, we need one! A way that people can instantly recognize us"

"We'll think of one later Mikey," Ashton sighed, "Right now, way too much has happened tonight."

After what had just happened, we'd decided to get Milkshakes from one of the restaurants on our way back. We had all pitched in and shouted Claire one for saving us. I sat back comfortably in the booth, feeling quite relieved to be out of that mess.

Not that I'd admit it to the others, but I'd been petrified. For the first time in a while I'd felt so powerless. What was the use of having powers if you couldn't seem to use them on the villain?

My mind wandered back to the vision that I'd had the first day. These powers weren't a mistake. For all I knew people had possessed them for eons. I was starting to feel as though there was a much greater power at work. One that had given us these abilities. I couldn't talk about it with the others though as I was the only one who seemed to have seen it. Was it a coincidence or was I somehow the leader of our team?

I guess it wasn't something I should think about right now. I hoped that in time I would come to understand that vision.

"The best part was that look on the guys face when you sprayed him with the can, Claire." Calum grinned, as he patted her on the shoulder.

"Well he did say that you three boys couldn't move. He wasn't talking to me." She grinned.

"You're so clever." Michael nodded, "I don't think any of us could've come up with it on our own."

My thoughts quickly wandered from the Claire appreciation party. Ever since we'd left the dock the other guys had been showering Claire with compliment after compliment. Whereas I felt like I'd been the one to stuff everything up. No one had complimented me. I mean they had no reason to, all I'd done was mess up.

I let out a sigh into my strawberry milkshake. I just couldn't work out why anyone would even let me have powers. Surely, they'd realise that I'd just mess up like this. Ashton had been shooting me sympathetic looks ever since we'd made it back. I think he was worried about me but didn't seem to know how to ask in front of the others.

Not that I exactly preferred being pitied either. It didn't change the fact that I'd messed up.

It was then that I noticed a woman sitting dressed completely in black. There wasn't anything unusual about that. However, her eyes were covered with thick shaded glasses as she pulled out a shiny silver laptop and began typing away at it. Who would be wearing glasses like that in the middle of the night? She, glanced up at me, noticing my gaze, returning it with a Cheshire Cat like grin before her eyes returned to the computer screen.

You're being paranoid. I told myself. Though, something about her made me feel queasy, as if something wasn't right.

"So, Luke..." Michael started, as he leaned over the booth at me. He didn't get to continue though as the ground began to quiver slightly, causing the light hanging above us rocking back and forth on its own. I frowned. An earthquake?

Five concerned looks shot to the ceiling. My heart began to quiver, as I bit on my lip.

"Ash? Is that you?" Calum asked, his eyes flickering to the only person in our group that could be powerful enough to cause a whole earthquake like that.

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