Chapter 8-Life Or Death

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I slowly scuttled along the metal of the shipping container behind me. I was just managing to keep my eyes on him and look around me. I realised if I could just move a little further I'd be able to jump off the back onto the container on the lower level, I might have a chance of getting out of here. Though if I misjudged it and went the other way I'd be looking at a backwards fall from it. I wasn't quite sure whether I'd be able to stick the landing or not. This was quite risky.

"What miserable superheroes you four are." He laughed, his breath leaving a foul aroma in the air, "Just as stupid as the rest of them. They see my message and they come running before they even know the difference between good and evil."

He stepped towards me, pushing me further towards the free-fall. I knew if I moved even one step further back. I'd be teetering on the edge of my imminent doom. I took a deep breath, I just needed to look for an opening and take it. The window of time was shortening, and I was starting to think I'd missed my chance.

"Of course, four stupid teenage boys being the next chosen ones." He continues, "It's a surprise they went so young after I disposed of the last lot so quickly. I thought they might have done it, but they were the worst ones they'd chosen. From what I can see your lot have even less skills."

Chosen ones? Disposed of? Shit, what was this that we'd gotten ourselves into. Was this what that fight I'd witnessed had meant? I felt a sink in my stomach, was everything over before we could even get started.

No way, I couldn't give up that easily. Clearly the guys and I had a job to do and I for one intended to make it through this.

"Who are you?" I raised an eyebrow at him as I tried to stand as tall as possible. I wanted it to look as though I wasn't afraid of him, "What do you want with us?"

"I want to send a message to someone." He grins, growing closer, "For that message to be sent you need to die."

"Who?" I said as I put my arm out in front of me to hold him back.

He laughed, "Do you think it's a coincidence you received your powers on your own and somehow triggered those of your friends." He gestured to the 'L' on my costume, "and I'd bet you even have stupid little names too. The L stands for loser am I correct?"

Ugh, this guy was an idiot.

"I'm Dr. Fluke actually not loser." I said attempting to mask my annoyance at his remark. I had mentioned to Claire that I thought people might think that's what the L meant. Seems I was right. I made a mental note to ask her about changing it. If I ever made it out of here that was.

"Whatever it stands for, I'm done with you now, I still need to take care of your other little superhero pals. It was an absolute displeasure to meet you Dr. Fluke and now it's time to die." He yelled as he began to raise his hand forwards towards me.

I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, and I bent forward curling in pain. Weakly, I raised my hand as I focused my energy onto him as I closed my eyes, I didn't care if it wasn't going to work. I needed to try something. I didn't want to die.

I hear a repeated clink and then a whoosh noise. I close my eyes as they start to sting. A second later, I'm pulled backwards, and I expect to continue falling but instead I find myself landing on metal. I glance up, to see Claire on the crates above standing there with a spray can in her hand.

I blinked at her in confusion. Wait what was Claire doing here? More importantly, who had pulled me down here, I glance at the person holding my arm. Googles covering his eyes, it was Calum. I grin, I'd never been so glad to see him in all my life.

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