Chapter 1-What A Fluke

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"One more drop and it will be perfect!"

I smiled as I made the finishing touch to my latest experiment. So far so good, everything was going perfectly to plan. If this went right, I'd be able to use it to style my hair exactly the way that I wanted without any fuss. It had been in development for weeks. I just needed to add one drop of the solution that I'd specially ordered online a week ago. I hadn't used this brand before, but it was supposed to make your hair a hundred times shinier or something like that. They all claimed that, so who really knew? It was worth a shot though.

I hovered over the metal work bench that was set up one side of my bedroom. This side of my bedroom was devoted to all my crazy experiments; like the super Pizza re-heater, which was still in its testing phases or the pair of rocket boots that lay discarded beside them (Those were still in development...) or the small round robot prototype that still required batteries and further testing.

My room had been this way since I'd moved into the basement about two years ago, since then my parents had allowed me to turn half of the space into my own personal lab. I guess my parents had been sick of the way my experiments had started take over my whole bedroom. It had been a challenge for anybody to get in or out of the room. I think my mother was at her wits end, ready to demand that I throw every piece out. Thankfully, my Dad had the idea that I could move down here. This meant I still had plenty of room for my experiments and could move my room down here. Naturally I'd jumped at the idea.

Best of all, my parents let me take full control over it. The basement was large enough for quite a lot of cool stuff. One corner for example is filled with bean bags and video games; which my three best friends, Michael, Ashton and Calum love to take advantage of. The three of them practically live here. If we're trying to choose someone's house to meet up at, usually we end up here. It had the most privacy and the most space after all. Everything else was just my lab and bedroom.

I went to the cupboard and pulled the bottle of solution from it. I quickly read over the warnings and such and was just about to pour it in to the mixture when a voice stopped me.

"Luke! Your friends are here!" My mum called from upstairs.

I panicked, I'd totally forgotten they were coming over. My hand slipped as I quickly added the final ingredient into the hair gel, maybe just a little too much of it.... I groaned remembering I'd had to leave my bed hair to ensure the experiment worked correctly. I didn't want anyone to see my hair like this, so I quickly made a grab at the solution. Quickly rubbing it through my hair. I looked in the mirror, Per-

It was like I'd been flung backwards, I suddenly began to feel weightless as if gravity didn't apply to the Earth anymore. Then I looked around me, realising that I was no longer in my room but floating around in a galaxy, filled with glowing stars and odd planets and things you only learned about in science class.

Was I in space?

No, this had to be dream there was no way I could've travelled through space that quickly. Just as I thought that the scene seemed to change slightly. I noticed that there were two creatures up ahead; one was a large reptilian monster with scaly yellow skin, and a long blue spine that extended across it's back. Fighting it, was a much smaller, blonde pony tailed girl wearing a light blue full body suit with cape that flushed behind her. She seemed to strike at it, beams of blue light extending from her palms. The creature roared back with as much ferocity; bright yellow and red flames spewing from its mouth back at her. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, this was insane.

'For centuries good and evil have battled....' A voice seemed to echo within my ears, I gasped looking around, but all I could see was space, space and more space. The creature and the girl were still fighting though, so it couldn't have been them. 'Good usually overpowers evil....' The voice continued, just as the reptilian creature was pushed backwards by the force of the girl's power, it seemed to disintegrate into thin air. The small girl cheered, but a second monster appeared, with red skin and a long snakes tail. 'but evil eventually finds its way to return to threaten our way of life.'

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