Chapter 4-Capes and Costumes

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It had only been a few days since we'd discovered our incredible new-found abilities, but already they were seeming both like a blessing and a curse. It's not like I hated having them, I mean who else could stop or move an object without even touching it?

However, when I was at school they were causing problems both major and minor. There was no way to explain to the teacher why when someone went to pass me the ball it would turn in the other direction mid-air back into the hands of the person who had thrown it. Sometimes at speed. It wasn't like I was bad at sport, in fact I was quite good at it. Just in my surprise that the ball was coming to me, my powers seemed to get to work. Pretty soon the other members of my team learnt not to pass to me. Which made the game a little boring.

I was the only one, Ashton's powers were causing problems for him as well. Naturally when you have the ability of super strength, that's exactly what you end up using. He kept breaking things for no apparent reason; like bending a chair in our maths classroom, or the beaker and test tube in science. Michael had burst into laughter, but Ashton had been reprimanded by the teachers quickly who told him to be more gentle and less careless with things.

Things weren't much better for Michael either, he was just trying to explain to us about a special kick he'd learnt from watching television the night before. When he ended up performing the action and kicking right into a Year Eight girl in the hallway. Her books scattered quickly, and the three of us rushed to collect them. Michael had looked so guilty. He's started profusely apologising to the girl right away. She was okay, thankfully, but despite his apologies she had given Michael a dirty look afterwards.

Calum appeared to be the lucky one, he was the only one who's abilities didn't seem to show up at unexpected moments. As much as I loved my ability, I couldn't help but be envious of him. I mean there was no way any of us could explain to these speculating teachers why these things were happening so suddenly.

Outside of school, we'd been meeting up at my place. My place had become like a base, and each of us had been testing the limits of our abilities and how we could control them so that we didn't hurt anyone.

So far, we'd narrowed my power down to a form telekinesis. It seemed I was able to move objects without touching them. All I had to do was point at something and I seemed to be able to move or stop it.

Ashton, as we'd already worked out had superhuman strength. He seemed to be able to bend or carry just about any object that he could hold. He could bend metal, smash through bricks. As well as carry or balance heavy objects.

Michael seemed to be able to have an almost photographic memory of moves. If he'd seen it in a game or a movie, he could probably do it himself. Michael had also taken to watching a bunch of various superhero and action movies just to learn more moves. His abilities expanding with each one. He'd been trying to teach us some of the actions he could do. Calum seemed to pick them up the best out of the three of us. Ashton and me? Not so much.

Which brings me to Calum, his powers were the most difficult to understand out of the four of us, so far, we'd found we had to make him mad or annoyed for him to use them. It was odd when he did, it was like a beam of light that made you feel happier? It was kind of an odd power really, but it made sense why it might have stopped that robber in the supermarket. It also seemed like he'd gotten stronger as well, he didn't have the moves of Michael, but he was catching on quite quickly to them.

These past few days when I wasn't with them, I'd been with Claire as we'd worked together on making the superhero outfits. I wasn't as bad as I thought, and Claire was quite a good teacher at sewing. I realised quickly why she'd wanted me to help her with them, as I was able to alter the fabric so that it would work better with our abilities. I grinned as I made the final touches to my glove.

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