Chapter 6-First Mission

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The four of us head into the centre of town. When we reach the city, the streets surrounding the bank are totally closed off with police vehicles and officers swarming around everywhere. I guess we'd forgotten that they'd be here. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous, this had all sounded great in theory but how were we going to get inside now?

We walk the street hoping to find a break in the blocked off roads, naturally there isn't one. They seemed to have this area covered. We come to a stop where there's a group of officers standing directly in front of us in a barrier of people. It was useless, there was no way we could get past them, we weren't the police. They'd never let us through.

"I have an idea. Follow my lead." Calum smiles, before walking straight up to the officers. I glance at Michael and Ashton who shrug. Carefully we followed him. I wondered how exactly he intended to get past them. They certainly weren't going to let four teenage boys in superhero suits through.

"Excuse me officers, but my friends and I think we can help you." Calum grinned charmingly up at them whilst the rest of us stood behind him. I hoped that this would work, but I couldn't see how him just smiling at them would help us get past.

I couldn't help but let out a small gasp as the same slack look fell on their faces, just as the robbers had been in the store the other day. Calum was using his powers it seemed. Yet, what was he doing to them? This seemed different to before because it was a whole group.

The police standing in front of us seemed to disperse almost immediately, almost as if they were making a path for us. They stared at us blankly as if waiting for their next order. The policeman nodded, his hand already on his radio, "Of course, go right ahead. I'll radio the officers inside to let them know you're coming in."

Success. He really had made them move. Though I couldn't help but feel a little afraid of Calum right now if he could convince those officers with just so few words. What other things would he try and get his way on? He wasn't a bad person so he wouldn't misuse it, I tried to remind myself.

In case they suddenly change their minds the four of us hurry past the barricades and go further towards the bank. I glance behind me just as the officers resume their formation. This was so weird.

As we draw closer the sound of the alarms blaring, drones louder and louder with each step. We walk up until we cross the roadway to the steps leading up to the bank. I frown, when I notice there's a second police line barricading the entrance. I guess this was what the officer meant by him letting the others know. Though from the cross looks on their faces I suddenly wasn't quite sure if they did know about us.

"What are you four teenagers doing here?" The front officer bellowed, glaring down on us as he blocked our path. "Get back behind the barricade. It's dangerous here."

I guess they hadn't quite radioed in for us yet. Calum knew what to do this time. He stepped to the front and grinned at the officer. "Our friends back there said that it was fine for us to come through. We're here to help."

Sure, enough the same thing happened, the officers face falling slightly as if he'd been stunned before he stepped to the side. This was incredible. We walked straight through again no more questions asked.

We came into the banks lobby. It was a large room, with a sign reading 'please queue here' with a red cable rope sat beside it to keep the customers in line. I couldn't help but think how strange it was to see the queue empty. I'd been to this bank a lot with my mum when I was younger. It had always been busy, and mum used to be in the queue forever. I can remember waiting on the seats at the side of the room and scribbling on bank forms with those pens with the little baubles that kept them attached to the desk while I waited. I would never have thought I'd be back here like this though.

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