Chapter 12-Danger Days

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If I could move faster, I would've. My hand trembled as I pulled on my superhero suit, I had an awful feeling that I was going to need it today. I stopped myself for a few moments taking deep breaths, everything was going to be fine. I was determined to prove Claire wrong.

As I emerged in my silver clad superhero outfit I could feel Claire's eyes on me like daggers. She clearly thought after what she'd said that I wouldn't go. Yet I knew I had a responsibility. I knew Calum would've only called me in an emergency and this sure felt like one. I could see it in her eyes that she didn't want me to leave.

Even as I began to climb out the basement window asking her to cover for me, she agreed but there was still fear in her eyes. My heart sunk, I knew she had good intentions, but I couldn't stay.

"Luke, you don't have to go." She muttered quietly, grabbing my arm as I climbed across the windowsill. One foot was still inside and one out.

"I do," I frowned, staring her right in the eyes, as I paused. "Calum said someone's in trouble, I'm worried from what he said that it's Mikey or Ash. I don't have a lot of choice."

I saw the hesitation in her eyes once more, her mouth open and closing with no words coming out. She let out a long sigh, before nodding.

"I know. Please be safe." She said.

Hesitantly I leaned back in the window, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. She blinked. The kiss was starling for both of us. Our cheeks both flushed with pink.

"Luke..." She muttered, seemingly stunned though there was a small grin on her face.

"I promise I'll be back." I nodded as I pulled away giving her a small salute.

I could feel Claire watching me, as I left. Part of me hated leaving like that but for some reason it had seemed to feel right in the moment. I wondered silently what she must think of me now for doing that. A part of me even wondered why had done that? We were friends and I liked her but was there something more?

Trying to forget about Claire for a few moments I took a few backstreets. Seeing people's eyes drawn to me in my bright reflective outfit. I guess I hadn't exactly thought this through. I kept running until I made it to Calum who was standing there in a quiet laneway dressed in his superhero suit. He lifted his goggles from his eyes, resting them on the top of his bright yellow beanie.

"Okay, fill me in." I nodded to him. Though as I looked around I wondered where both Michael and Ashton were, surely, he would've called them by now and both lived much closer to here than I did.

Calpal let out a long sigh, "It's a mess, Ashton sent me a distress signal an hour ago through the communicator, he said he was being followed. Though by the time I got there it was too late, whoever was following him clearly made their move."

"He's okay, right?" I questioned, concern filling me.

"For now." Calpal frowned. "A few blocks away Ashton's taking them on by himself, he kept me updated with the communicator. Michael's just gone down there too, I'd dare say he only just arrived."

My mind was working quickly thinking of strategies and options. Though one thing bothered me. Why wasn't CalPal down there? I easily could've met him there, perhaps they could've even finished the job without me.

"Have you tried helping them, surely your calming powers would work?" I questioned.

CalPal let out a long sigh and shook his head. I raised an eyebrow at him. What was the problem?

"We can't get in. There's a protective barrier around the whole area, it seems to make the area invisible to anyone outside of it. I know he's still in there." Calpal frowned, "Besides I already tried, I guess I was too late."

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