Chapter 13-Power with a cost

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I couldn't bare going back to my place, Claire was probably back there waiting for me to return. I couldn't go back there and see the disappointed look her in the eyes. She'd tried to warn me, but it was too late.

If she saw the state Ashton was she'd realise how badly this had all gotten out of hand. Besides I didn't feel safe going home anymore, a simple address search would probably give our enemies the information to find me. I sent Claire a simple text, telling her to leave my house even see if she could convince my mother to leave town for a few days. I'd ditched my phone there not waiting for the reply. I hoped Claire would read the message and do it or at least come up with a better plan.

Instead the three of us had opted to take Ashton back to an abandoned shop front. I wasn't sure how Michael had known about it, but he'd directed us there. We'd made do with what we could, Calum lied Ashton on the floor and Michael found some pillows back in the storeroom to put underneath his head.

I couldn't help but feel like we were trying to delay the inevitable. Ashton's life basically rested in Calum's hands right now. His hands still glowing with green as he worked to keep our friend alive. I knew our enemies were searching for us and they'd find us soon. Our secret identities were worthless when your enemies knew them. Still I couldn't bear to take off my suit, it gave me hope that maybe we still had a chance. I was still Dr. Fluke after all.

Mikerowave was pacing the room, his long red cape swishing back and forth at every turn. I was quiet, pondering exactly how the three of us intended to make it out of this alive.

"I can't help but feel that this was what Claire was trying to warn me about." I spoke silently.

Mikerowave paused and CalPal tilted his head up. "Luke what are you talking about?"

With a long sigh I explained them about the news articles, the rise of amazing superheroes and the mysterious disappearances and accidents that from what I could gather had led to each groups demise. Michael and Calum's faces grew dim as they realised the harsh reality of what I was saying. I saw Calum's hands flicker for a moment.

"We're just like the others, aren't we?" Mikerowave spoke darkly, his eyes downcast. "Some way or another we're going to meet our untimely end."

"Ash realised it too didn't he." Calpal sighed. "He even said it himself we needed to be careful, it seems we weren't careful enough."

I nodded thinking of Ashton's words from yesterday. He'd realised what danger we were in before any of us. I just don't think any of us could have expected that not even 24hrs later we'd be in this position. I could feel tears threatening at my eyelids, but I promised myself that I wouldn't cry. Not here and not now.

"Don't talk like he's dead already." Mikerowave grumbled.

"Maybe he already is." Calpal's eyes narrowed, Mikerowave and I stared at him in stunned shock, "Sure I might be doing this, but let's be realistic guys. How long do you think I can keep this up for? How long do you really think I can protect him for? We don't even know how we can help him or if he'll ever get better."

"Cal, I didn't mean it like that..." Mikeworwave frowned.

"What I'm saying is we need to make a move soon." CalPal spoke, "The longer we leave those two out there the more danger we're in."

"Well we're going to need to reveal ourselves sometime." I sighed, looking between the two of them.

Both the other superheroes nodded. As much as we'd like to we couldn't stay in hiding forever.

"No way guys," Mikerowave spoke shaking his head, "Surely we've got long enough to think of a better idea than that. Those people want superheroes like us dead, you guys saw what they did to Ashton. They showed him no mercy and they won't show us any either."

"What other option have we got, staying here in this dingy old store?" CalPal frowned, "Luke has a point here, we need to plan how we attack. We won't be able to hide here forever. Besides I don't think I can maintain Ashton like this for any more than a few hours and it's not exactly as if either of you can simply take over."

I frowned CalPal was right, our powers weren't limitless. I thought of how Ashton had barely been able to lift those rocks, all his powers clearly worn down during the fight. If the same was true Calum's powers would eventually burn out as well. Then it would only be Mikerowave and me left to fight until CalPal recovered.

Mikerowave nodded as he sat down beside me. "So, what do you propose we do then? Go searching for them first and pick up a fight that way?"

A couple of suggestions were thrown around and things were seeming hopeless. We sat in silence as each of us attempted to come up with an idea.

"What if there's a way they would come to us?" I wondered aloud.

Both raised eyebrows, seemingly interested in that prospect. I thought about it a little more how could we possibly make it obvious where we were?

"Do you think they'd come if they saw us on television?" I questioned.

"We were right beside them as when they fled so I'm not too sure they would whilst we're still all together." Mikerowave spoke, "Then again perhaps they might think we're unaware or having a fight over what happened to Ashton? Do you think three superheroes fighting would make the news?"

"Well people haven't forgotten about us, yet have they?" CalPal nodded, "I'm pretty sure that we're still current enough that a sighting like that would be the perfect news story."

"So how about we stage a pretend fight, flash our powers around a little bit. Make sure it's in public and hope that those guys come to spoil our fun." I smiled, finally glad that a plan was forming.

Mikerowave and CalPal both nodded enthusiastically.

"I think it's up to the two of you." CalPal sighed, "I'll stay close, but I think my real job here is keeping Ashton alive."

"You sure, Cal?" Mikerowave questioned.

"What use am I, really?" CalPal questioned, "I'm a healer, I make people happy. I can't shoot flames and fight like you can Mikey, I can't move things with my mind like Luke. Or cause earthquakes and crush things with my bare hands like Ash could..." he let out a sigh, "Like Ash does" he quickly corrected himself. "If you two are pretend fighting it would be much more believable, don't you think then a guy who simply glows."

"You can do a lot more than that Cal." I sigh, "But I see your point, a couple of fireballs and some air tricks could really be enough to draw their and the news's attention."

Mikerowave was nodding now, "This way if they come we'll be fighting on our terms not theirs and keep Ashton alive in the meantime. Sounds simple enough. Calum and Luke my friends, you are both absolute geniuses."

"I wouldn't go that far, say that to us again when the plan actually works," I said. Calum nods biting its lip. "We don't want to use up too much of our strength though in case we need to use it on them."

"True," Mikerowave nodded, "So we're really going to try this?"

Calpal and I both nodded.

"In that case I guess it's time we hand ourselves in." I spoke solemnly at Mikerowave who nodded. 

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