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She was older than me, by 5 years. God how i envied when she got more attention than me but i loved her.

She was there when i had my depression, she talked to me when i was being treated unfairly by teachers and she was there to treat my wounds when i was bullied by fellow school mates.

She was my rock. My everything and she was taken away from me and the only thing i had left of her was her chain. Her beautiful rose chain she had got for her 18th birthday.

Rośe, her name was all i had left, she was nothing but memories. Just a thought i would have on a rainy day, when i was driving and when i was alone.

My parents, was also taken away from me. As memories from that fatal day returned.

I could remember singing along to Selena Gomez- Back to You with my parents and Rośe in the car that day. We were coming back from the zoo, we had a family day what we always have every month.

My parents had run an illegal Mafia Gang, and was filthy rich, not like those parents who made money go to their head, they were understanding and always cared for anyone as equally as their own children.

Sadly there were gang members plotting to take over the job, and that was by getting rid of us. I could vividly see the black Mazda coming towards Rośe side.

Being only 13 at the time i tried to unbuckle the seatbelt to make her come to closer to me but i made it worst. When the car collided with us. Rośe flew into the air killing her instantly.

I woke up on the cold concrete ground. My mom and dad was lifeless holding hand as they had now been pronounced them dead.


I looked around and saw no sight of her. I got up from the ground as all I suffered was a broken arm and 3 fractured rib cages. Nothing hurt, my body was numb due to the fact my parents was dead.

A doctor saw me getting up and rushed towards me telling me sit down so i wouldn't cause any more damage.

"W-where I-Is R-R-Rośe?" I stuttered

The doctors looked at me sadly as they had no words to break it to a 13 year old that they had no idea where she was.

But no my hopes was too high thinking that she would be alive.

I was wrong, she wasn't.

Another covered body in the far off distance. She was gone, Rośe Was Dead.

The little energy i had i ran towards her. I held her lifeless cold hand and cried. Everyone i loved was now dead. Her rose necklace was in her hand. I took it so I would always remember her by and then they took her away.

For the funeral i couldn't stand to see their dead corpse in a box because i didn't want to believe they was gone.

That day i lost the only persons i loved,  my parents and my Sister.

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