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Y/n pov
I sat there on the floor and thinking why did I come here and  I thought it's better if I was died I couldn't protect my child and myself without being a ghoul and Kaneki gave me my eyes that i hear my name and I didn't want to listen so I sat there think and I said Kaneki I am sorry and i feel my ghoul eyes come back and i yelled then I feel my blood boiling and i said no more then i feel the handcuff break and i said yes I free then i jump on the tree then I feel blood no water under my clothes then I said oh not again then i feel my stomach hurt then I said no not this again!!!!! Then I feel water come out then I see blood then I said oh no I have to get away from here. That i ran in the forest then I went to the other side of Neverland and i yelled in pain and I said Kaneki help me please....(blackout).

Then a someone see y/n on the ground and takes y/n to village and tend her wounds and see blood near her legs then they said what is going on and they ran outside to get the leader. Then they went to y/n and said leave and I will help her she is going into labor that they said yes Miss Tiger Lilly. That she got cold water and put in on y/n head and she said calm down and she hear y/n say help me... That Tiger Lilly say please stay clam your hurt and your going into labor then she said what!!! That y/n then start to feel pain and she yelled and they saw y/n bleed more then they had to hold down y/n from the pain and that y/n hears Lilly said just one more push and y/n yelled and push and tiger Lilly said it's a little boy that y/n was happy not pain more that they said aww who's are you and y/n said oh I am Y/n L/n and Tiger Lilly hugged her and said y/n it good to see you after all this time. That y/n said yeah it is Lilly and she said how's life and she said Lilly please protect my child with your care and I can't because I have Peter on me and he wants to get me. Then she said okay but stay here to heal and feel better then you are okay. That y/n said okay Lilly and she said okay. That y/n sat there holding her baby boy and he had her eyes and her and Kaneki's hair color then she kissed his head and said take care my little baby and y/n took off a necklace and it was her necklace her father gave her and she said Lilly have you seen my father here in neverland and she said yes yesterday at night I saw Felix and Peter talking to a man and he said your name and said leave my daughter y/n alone you monster!!! That y/n said so he has my father as a prisoner then Lilly once I am heal and feeling better I want my sword and my stuff ready for me too get my dad back from that monster aka Peter pan.

Meanwhile with Kaneki
I was there shocked that boy took my girl then I hear my name and I see up and see the others and they fell on my and I said you idoits what are you doing here. Then they said we here to get y/n back of course and that I said just great. Then I said okay let's go but becarful. Then they see a shadow fly to them then they hear guys. They turn and see y/n's shadow and she said you guys please be careful it's not safe here in Neverland and Peter pan and the lost boy and Tinkerbell are evil so be careful and come to the natives and here's a map and I be here.(points y/n location). Oh and I have a past here and my father here in Neverland and I need help so come and be safe all of you. I need to go before c/n starts to cry. Then Kaneki said y/n you were pregnant and I said yes I was and had a little boy. I have to leave him for the natives to protect him while I go find my father and beat that good for nothing list boy Peter pan for taking my father. Bye and please be careful this place is not good. Then I hear Y/n San were are you and I see Tiger Lilly say y/n take your boy and leave Pan's coming then I said boys help me then i hang up and ran away then I carried my little boy and i had to feed it then i said Kaneki help me hurry then I sat on a branch then I waited for some help

Help me guys please.

What will happen to y/n ?

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