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I got up and Kaneki help me and I said yes he is the one I loved and I see Rin run to me and darkness then jump on me and I said Rin that boy is Kaneki the one I told you and she said oh please don't make my sister cry please and Kaneki said I won't then darkness came and lick me and I got up and said darkness this is Kaneki and darkness jump on Kaneki and I said darkness that I ran to Kaneki and I see darkness happy and I smiled and I got Kaneki up then I said sorry about that they are just a bit excited. Then I see the boys shocked then I  hugged Kaneki and I said Kaneki well I... Then I opened my eyes and see Kaneki lips on me then I kissed him back then I put my hands on his soft sillk hair and I pulled away and said well I have to go Kaneki and y/n hugged Kaneki and she smiled and I woke up.

Boys pov

Y/n left and we see the boys name Kaneki and we said what are you to Y/n and he said her lover and boyfriend before I forget and die and she still hasn't moved on and I will come back to make her happy and I was happy I meet her and she meet me we where like mean to be because she when thought pain and so did i. I have wanted someone i love and i was there when she need someone. She is great fully that I was there and gave her eyes. That is why and I hear about this girl name Yui little sister what she did to her when she was young and I hate her and I love you/n for her and i wanted her to feel happy and smile and when she smiled for me she said thanks Kaneki for being there for me and i....wanted to say something. I said what and she said I have a crush on you. That shocked me and I said y/n I like you to and iove you for how you are not because you can see. That's when I last saw her smiled and I see her now she was the same girl I meet a few years ago then Kaneki take out his hand and said of course and this ring was a promise we made.

 That's when I last saw her smiled and I see her now she was the same girl I meet a few years ago then Kaneki take out his hand and said of course and this ring was a promise we made

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

She has the one of my name and when I left her I made a promise that if I ever saw her we would do anything to be together again. That is why and she don't show you the ring was because she know that all you would say stuff and I have to go anyway bye.

The boys out of there minds.

Y/n walks out of her room and goes to the attic and saw her outfit when she was with Kaneki. So many memories on this with him. Man I miss him after all. Y/n rubbing her arm and she touch the glass then y/n said oh Kaneki are promise I never forgive after all you gave me this ring.

 Y/n rubbing her arm and she touch the glass then y/n said oh Kaneki are promise I never forgive after all you gave me this ring

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I said Kaneki I still keep are pomise and I grab a dress he gave me when I was dating him and we went on are first date.

Kaneki what's wrong. Y/n you forget I a ghoul. Oh yeah sorry let's go to my house I make food. That we walk and I went to my room and I see a dress and a envelope with a heart.

 That we walk and I went to my room and I see a dress and a envelope with a heart

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Then I said let's see how this dress look on me I put it on and I look nice then I walk the living room and I see Kaneki in tuxedo and he said let's eat m'lady that I knew he was a ghoul and  I said go ahead Kaneki and I remembered he didn't want ...

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Then I said let's see how this dress look on me I put it on and I look nice then I walk the living room and I see Kaneki in tuxedo and he said let's eat m'lady that I knew he was a ghoul and  I said go ahead Kaneki and I remembered he didn't want to and I really didn't care. That we have good remember that night going to places. But that's when he was kidnapped by Yamoir two day after that and I was sad by myself and I never told him I am pregnant with a little baby ghoul and I am scared he will leave me alone again. That we open the door and see the boys and I said Kaneki I have something to tell you. That I said well I after you left I wasn't feeling good and well i....(bang). Y/n turns and see Karlheinz then she said GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!! Then Karlheinz said oh my Y/n you okay then I said oh no. Then I look down and see my water broke then I was about to fall then Kaneki caught me and I was screaming in pain then I said K.. Kaneki. Then Kaneki said y/n you okay then Y/n said c..call...T...Tou... Touka. Then he grab his phone and called Touka and Touka said what Kaneki and Kaneki said Y/n she needs your help. Then they waited for 2 minutes and Touka broken the door and went to Y/n and she said y/n you okay and y/n said T..Tou..Touka it hurts!!!! Then Touka said y/n. Then she said boys leave and I need a hand and she see Y/n maid and said all leave and they went to Y/n room. Then they said what's happening then Kaneki went to her closet and saw a red black box's and he grab it and said let's see and he opened it and he saw pictures of Y/n and him when they meet and we're dating. Then they said well what do we do now. Then they stayed quiet then they hear Ahhh it...hurts!!!! Then they said that Y/n and Touka said it's almost out. Then they said what's going. Then Y/n yelled Again then she Scream. Then Touka said congratulations Y/n it's a girl. Then Y/n said thanks Touka and the boys ran to Y/n and they hear crying and they see Y/n there all tired and sweating and the maid said m'lady you okay. She said yeah just want water. Then he maid comes with water and she feed her. Then Touka came with something then Y/n said how is she Touka and she said she is fine just a one eye ghoul too. Then Touka gave Y/n a little baby and she had white hair like her mom and gray eyes. Then Kaneki ran to y/n and said y/n you...okay. That Y/n said yeah just a bit hurt. Then he see Y/n holding something and he said Y/n what's that. Then Y/n said look for yourself and Kaneki see a little baby girl with white hair and her eyes were different her right eye was gray and he left eye was ghoul eye. Then she saw Kaneki and smiled and said D..Daddy and I said aww so cute then I told Touka to take care of her for a bit. Then I try to get up but Touka said no Y/n and Kaneki carried Y/n and said let's go then Kaneki didn't know Y/n was bleeding and when he saw his hand he lick it and y/n said Kaneki what's wrong with you. Then he said sorry and he went to Y/n room and left her there for a bit then he went to Touka and the others then he hears Y/n scream and they all ran to Y/n room and see Y/n being hold by him. That Y/n said Kaneki help me and he said let her go Tsukiyama and he said aww Kaneki why would I do that then Tuskiyama sees Y/n blood and he said sweet scent then he went to Y/n leg and he threw on the floor and Y/n yelled and she said Kaneki help... That Tuskiyama went andeft her leg and licked her blood and said sweet and magnifying and Y/n see Tuskiyama let closer to her area and she kicked him then she said I am sorry and she kick him when it doesn't shine and Tuskiyama fell on the floor and Kaneki ran to Y/n and said leave Tuskiyama because I won't stop myself from killing you. Then Y/n was bleeding more and she said Kaneki please let him go sooner or later I will do it. That Touka came with Little Kane then Tuskiyama said aww Kaneki your daughter then Y/n got up and grab him by the neck and said STAY AWAY FROM HER AND MY FAMILY BECAUSE I WON'T HEASATAE TO KILL YOU AND HURT YOU ANYWAY. That Kaneki grab Y/n and said leave Tuskiyama now. That he said I will but just for you too.

What will happen to Kaneki and Y/n child?

Will they follow her father's or her mother's foot steps?

Blood of Tears (D/L And TG Re)CrossoverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz