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I walk to Kaneki then I help him and the others then I said take care boys then I sat there drinking coffee and I grab a book and read in scilents then I was getting to a good point then I hear hello Y/n and I look up and see Tuskiyama and he said how about we then I said no and leave me alone. Then he grab my book and said come on. Then I said no and I grab my book back then(book falls to the floor). I tried to be nice Y/n but no you mad me angry said Tuskiyama. Then he grab my hand rough and pulled me to a room and I fell on the floor then I see my leg it started to bleed and I back away then I said what are with those people. He walk to me and I back way and said I want you to get away from my Kaneki then I said never in your life Idoit then he said oh good lucky trying to leave with your friends, your Kaneki, and your little baby girl. Then he walk to me and he saw my blood and he leans down and he grab my leg rough and he licked it then he said your blood so sweet and delicious. Then I kick him in the part then I ran to find the others then I see them all awake in the room then I fell to the floor then Kaneki come and helps me. That we walk to a room where we never saw then I opened the door then I see a light. Then I see pictures of..... me!!! Then I said oh no then I fall to the floor then I hear a voice said aww you found my room then I see Tuskiyama and he was holding my baby then I said let her go Tsukiyama then he said then go with those people then I said there not my real parents then I fall to the floor then I said my parents thought I was a monster and they hated me ever since. Then i said oh no. Then I blackout.


Father will I ever see you again.

Yes sweetheart and I promise you I will come and get you once you are 21 and your truly ready for.........for what father. Your not ready to now until then and i want you to live happy and I want you to know I never want your mom to hurt you okay and promise me that you will find love in your life okay father and I will miss you my sweetheart and please take care of you. Of course father and be good sweetheart (father crying).(y/n hugging her father). Oh yeah sweetheart have this necklace and this dress for when you are a concert or anything to know you are my sweet little girl. Okay fatehr I will miss you so much.(Y/n crying and hugging her father).

End of flashback

Y/n wakes up and said ow my head then she look for the boys and I said I am leaving then I went to my jet then the boys came then I see my room then i sat there in my room then I cried and I said father then I went to my room and get another flashback.


You are a monster and I don't know how I could have you in my stomach and the only one that loves you is your father and I will send you to a church where they can make you a sweet girl but if they can then I don't want to know about you and one more then you won't see that Kaneki boy and his friend hide they change you and I will make sure you never know about your friends or anyone that loves you because you made them suffer. But mother I didn't do anything to them. HOW DARE YOU TALK BACK ON YOUR MOTHER!!!!( y/n get slap by her mother) and you will never be a child of mine Y/n.

End of Flashback

y/n wakes up and she cried and said mom hated em and father loved me and I was a monster in her eyes and to father a was a sweet girl. Then they boys ran to see y/n crying then Kaneki saw y/n crying and he said Y/n and she look and said Kaneki do you remember you had a small child friend that was a girl. He said yeah but I never knew what happened to her because her mom treated her mean and her father treated her sweet. Then he said her name was Tsubaki witch means Camellia (White). Then he said yeah me and hide knew her when we were younger why you ask Y/n?
Y/n said oh it's nothing then the pilot said we are here. Well let's go guys.

Little did they know Y/n hiding something form all them all even Kaneki.

What will y/n do to hide her secret?

Blood of Tears (D/L And TG Re)Crossoverحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن