Perfectly wrong

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I speed walked into the house, Shawn jogging to catch up. "(Y/n)!! Give me a chance to explain...please?!" He yelled.

I just shook my head and slammed the door of our shared bedroom, locking it behind me. Once it was locked, I slid down it and wrapped myself into a ball, crying silently.

Shawn started to pound on the door. "(Y/n), let me in!!" He yelled. I shook my head, even though I knew he couldn't see me. He sounded really angry, and I hated seeing him like this.

I heard him scream in frustration and what sounded suspiciously like a glass being smashed, which only made me more scared and sad.

I started to rock myself backwards and forwards. I was still crying silently, scared Shawn might hear and become more angry than he already was.

Then I heard something surprising. Sobs on the other side of the door. Shawn was now crying. It started out slow but soon became heavier and he was soon gasping for air between sobs.

His crying was tearing my heart to pieces.

I heard him slide against the door, right behind me. Then he started to sing, his voice cracking with emotion, but he still sounded like an angel. "You're perfectly wrong for me, and that's why it's so hard to leave, yeah you're perfectly wrong for me..." he sang.

I covered my mouth as a sob escaped its way through my lips. I heard Shawn get up and heard him walk towards the front door. Was he going to leave?

I made a split second decision, my heart doing the thinking and not my brain. I unlocked the door and ran too him, hugging him from the back, as he reached the door.

I felt him tense up beneath and expected him to push me off. "Please...don't leave." I whispered into his shirt. I felt him pull me off, only to wrap me in a great bear hug.

He kissed the top of my head as I managed to calm myself down. I felt a single tear fall from his cheek to my scalp as he whispered.

"You're perfectly wrong for me and you know that I won't leave, yeah you're perfectly wrong for me..."

(A/n) Well this was terrible, and quite sad too, but on a happier note....THIS BOOK HAS 100 READS?!?!?!??!?!?! I can't thank you guys enough, thank you thank you thank you!!! Even if you don't like or comment, thank you for taking the time to just means the world to me!!! Ilysm, thank you!!!

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