'Zach, no!' Daniel runs after me. I walk around the corner of the locker hall. I stand still and understand why Daniel didn't wanted me to reach my locker. My usually blue locker, is limed with all the words. Daniel stands behind me and waits for my reaction. I walk to my locker, to see what they wrote on it.

Poor Little Boy,
Drama King,

'Zach, stop looking at it...' Daniel says.

'Even slut?' I ask and i point at the word "slut" on my locker. 'Wow, that's really low.' I hear people laughing from my right. I look to it. I see Ethan, Fleur, Matthew and Madison.

'You like your new locker, Herron?' Matt asks.

'I love it,' I say sarcastically.

'We thought it could be pimped,' Madison says. 'It was way to blue, you know?'

'It was the idea of Fleur,' Ethan says. Fleur grins. 'Do you like it?' I look at Fleur.

'I hope you die,' I say. Her jaw drops. I turn around and walk to my class.

The last class is dance class. I really don't want to be there. Especially not, because of Jack and Nina. Nina did heard what happend, that's one thing i'm sure about. But Jack.. He's going to be so disappointed at me. About what happend. Because I didn't came after him. I walk into the class and put my bottle with water on a table, where are all the other bottles are, and walk to the others.

'Hey Zach!' Nina says. She acts like nothing's going on. Wait... She... Doesn't know? 'You ready to learn to opening?'

'Eh, yea, I- I think i am.' I say.

'Good!' Nina says. 'Aye, did you see Jack today? I couldn't find him anywhere.'

'No, I didn't saw him.' I say. 'Maybe he's-' Before I can finish my sense, Jack runs into the class.

'Sorry that i'm late.' He says quickly.

'You're on time,' Britt says. 'Just stand on your place.' Jack nods and walks to the others. I look at him. He has a lot of bruises on his arm. He has a small cut next to his eyebrow and a thick lip. Jack walks to us and walks to Nina.

'Are you okay?' she whispers. Jack nods.

'Okay guys,' Britt laughs. 'We're gonna begin! We begin with the opening dance and then we have Lala land of course. Let's begin!'

After a hour, we're done. I grab my stuf and walk quickly out of the class. I have to retake a test, and then I'm fully done. I quickly walk to that class I look at the window. It's almost dark already.

'Hello Zach,' The teacher says. 'You're here for with subject again?'

'Biology,' I say.

'Yea, I have that here.' He says. 'Here, you have fifty minutes, good luck.' I grab my pencil and look at the exercises.

After thirty minutes, I filled five exercises in. From the twenty. I can't concentrate. I look out of the window, to the almost black sky. It's half past six. I don't know why I have to do it in my free time, but.. however.. I have a lot on my mind. So i serious can't concentrate. I didn't learn for this test, tho. So, I'm sure I'll get a F.

'Zach,' I look at the teacher. I rub my eyes, I'm so tired... Tired of everything. 'You have five minutes left.'

'What?!' I look at the clock. 'W- No, no, no!' I look at all the exercises i have to make. 'I- I- I won't make that! I have so much exercises i have to make! I- I- I- can't. No, seriously! I can't!'

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