Part 2

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On Saturday, Justine and I drove to the address listed in the event. It was a quiet neighborhood on the other side of town. Rows of townhouses lined the streets as we looked for parking.

"I didn't know it would be in a house," I blurted, nervous at all the possibilities going through my head after far too much late night television and pints of ice cream.

Justine nodded, moving the car into an open spot. "Several people I know Rsvp'd. It should all be fine."

We walk down the quiet street and stop in front of a tall three-story brick townhouse. The red front door stands behind a glass entry way. On either side well trimmed topiaries gleamed in the fading sunlight. On one side, ivy had grown up the edges of the brick stairs.

"Are you sure we are at the right address?" My voice full of caution.

"Yes, you nervous nelly. I've checked three times." Justine smiled back. I knew then she was just as anxious about the whole affair. We slowly climb the stairs and Justine knocks lightly on the door. Before she could pull her hand away, it swung open wide revealing a blond woman with a wide smile.

"May I help you?"

"Um, we RSVP'd for a um..." I stuttered and looked to Justine for help.

"We're here for the hypnosis talk," Justine finished with confidence, looking over as if to say what is wrong with you.

I shrugged and turned my attention back to the door.

"Names," the woman inquired, picking up a clipboard off of a stand beside the door. Justine gave her our names, and I stood there looking dumbfounded. Startled, I was unaware Justine had said a word until her elbow connected painfully with my rib cage and my eyes met her glare.

"May I take your coats," the blond asked as we crossed the threshold.

I nodded and slid the jacket from my shoulders.

"Don't be nervous. We don't bite unless asked. I'm Caroline and will be your hostess for this evening. If there's anything you need, please ask. Everyone gathered just through there and we'll be getting started soon."

The house was nothing less than stunning, with floor to ceiling windows covering the back part of the room where everyone gathered. Cocktails and light hors d'oeuvre we set across one table and everyone was milling around talking.

As we entered the crowd, I crossed my arms over my chest feeling inexplicably embarrassed and work my way around the room until I am perched on the edge of a large black leather sofa. My eyes scanned the room and watched Justine flirt and talk indiscriminately with anyone and everyone. I sat alone debating whether to leave or stay put and wait to see what all the hype was about.

Lost in thought, I realized someone watches me. Across the room, a man leaned on a mantlepiece. His white starched collared shirt tucked into the trim waist of his black pants. At just under six feet tall, his pale blue eyes and coal black hair, sprinkled with specks of grey, stand in stark contrast to one another. There's was something about him that was intimidating and yet, warm and comfortable. His expression remained unreadable as he watched me, watching the room. I opened my mouth to try the start of a conversation but he shook his head and my mouth closed without thought.

He studied me for long moments. A visceral undercurrent seemed to ignite between us. I pushed out my chest and sucked in my stomach. He drew me in on a primal level.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the blond woman interrupted the murmur of conversation, "it time we get started." The crowd gathered in a flow and emptied into the next room, but I sat there, still staring at him.

"Shall we go through to the other room?" He said. His velvet voice smoothing over my senses.

I nodded.

"Follow me."

Without waiting for a reply, he turned away from me and strode from the room.

Mind Games (Season 1 - Ep. 1): Becoming His ToyWhere stories live. Discover now