Part 1

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My fingers scrolled across the page. Another boring day, another moment on a fetish website I hoped would inspire me somehow. I read how this friend headed to this party and that one to this event, yet none of them seemed to interest me. My Inbox was a blank and not even the hot pictures peaked my interest.

"Hey," Justine startled me out of my own thoughts, "what are you doing this weekend?"

I shrugged.

"Same thing I do every weekend- 'Try to take over the world.'"

Both of us laughed at the lame joke. It felt good to laugh, not much went right enough to laugh, as of late. Another boy friend had just left me and I knew there was something wrong with me when the count rose to 5 in a row. It wasn't like they yelled or screamed, told me I was horrible or anything. They left when they were done with our time together. Moved on without a backwards glance and without me in the picture, in a non-nonsense 'you're a great person but...' sort of way.

"Seriously," she smiled.  "I was wondering if you'd go with me to presentation on erotic hypnosis. You haven't been out in ages and all you do is sit around here and mope."

"I do not mope. I internalize the reality of the situation in which I am handed and continuously self-analyze until I find an internal understanding of the events of my life and a new trajectory in which to proceed forward."

"Like I said, mope."

Desperate to change the conversation before she lit into me again about how it's not always my fault when a man leaves, I try to turn the tables. "Hypnosis? Really? Come on, we both know mind control, 'look into my eyes' stuff doesn't work."

I rolled my eyes then heard Justine let out a sigh of sheer disappointment.

"Yeah, but I thought it would be fun. If nothing else it could be a relaxing break... but I totally get it."

Justine was always there for me, through thick and thin. Even if I didn't believe in all the hype on hypnosis, lacking any level of true believership, I owed her my time to go with her.

"You're right," I tried to sound apologetic.  "I'll go. It could be fun. I can watch you cluck like a chicken."

"Me?" She laughed, "I was hoping it would be you who we'd get to loosen up. I'll send you the link. We need to Rsvp to the meeting. The spaces on this one are filling up really quickly. Guess people need something to believe in even if it isn't real."

"Sounds good." I tried to sound confident but my skepticism reared its ugly head and I ended up forcing the smile.

"Ok doll, I've got to run. Want me to pick you up on Saturday?"

"Afraid I won't show if you don't?"

"That transparent, huh?"

"Yep," I grinned. "But pick me up, anyway. We can talk on the way home or make fun of it if it doesn't go well."

"OK, I've sent you the link," Justin said as my phone dinged on the table.

"How efficient of you." I shook my head, picked up the phone and hit the link.

"Now, go Rsvp so you don't forget and have to give me some lame excuse about why you can't go."

"Yes Ma'am," I replied. My sarcastic tone clear.

"MMM... I can get use to that response. Unfortunately, I've got to go. Now go Rsvp. You don't want me mad. You wouldn't like me when I'm mad." She laughed and walked out the door. the next few minutes, I scanned the event invite. It all seemed nonsensical and boring, but what the heck, it could be fun.

Mind Games (Season 1 - Ep. 1): Becoming His ToyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat