28.. Disaffiliate - 1

Start from the beginning

Giving them a weird look.. she walked crossing them.. as they cornered their sight at her till she reached the end of the corridor.. she stood there for a second and turned towards them.. and they weren't present..

Where did they disappear suddenly.. just now they were there..!.. she mumbles softly and looks all around the place.. after then.. she pulled out the umbrella from her bag and left the place..

As she reached the main gate.. she heard a long horn behind her.. which stipulated that.. two of them are behind her.. but she stepped ahead without minding them... she heard a loud long horn again..

No Pragya.. don't turn..!.. she steadied herself striking so and kept walking ahead..

' ' ' ' ' ' '

After few minutes..

Try to understand Pragya.. everywhere it is flooded.. it's unsafe for you to walk home alone.. So come with us.. we will drop you at your home.. Sandy said sliding over the bike..

Pragya sniggered with a sigh and says.. From when did you both start to precise about me..?.. And Abhi gave her an redundant look..

While Pragya continued.. I know to take care of myself.. I don't need others help.. she stressed her tone looking at Abhi.. while Sandy gave a pessimistic look at him..

Haan.. I know.. why will you need our help.. when you.. .. before Sandy could speak further.. the ponderous rain hit them.. And Pragya struggled to open her umbrella.. in meantime Abhi gestured Sandy..

Within a fraction of second.. Pragya was dragged towards the bike.. and Sandy hasted her to sit over the bike.. as soon as she sat.. he took his seat behind her and Abhi whoosed riding the bike hurriedly..


At Present...

Robin's unstable voice plucked both Dadi and Sandy's patience..
What.. what happened to Abhi..!?
Dadi asked.. and just then they heard loud thudding noises continuously..

Rushing towards him.. they saw him banging Pragya's room door.. and Sandy held him to protest doing it.. but he pushed him with a raving force.. that made him to hit the floor.. and finally.. Dadi sounded loudly saying.. Abhi.. Pragya is not here.. stop your madness..

Pragya is not here.. where is she then..?.. Abhi asks restlessly and Sandy says.. She is safe.. not as you think.. she is safe in your guest house.. She wasn't keeping well.. I sent her to Bulbul.. so that she will feel better..

Fine.. I will go there and stay with her.. Abhi says and quickens his steps to downstairs.. while Dadi and Sandy followed him..

Meantime.. they saw Tanu walking in by blocking Abhi's way.. she stood glaring her eyes at him.. who returned the same to her..

I want to speak with you..!.. Tanu says sternly and stood staring at him.. 

Abhi ignores her and walks across, but Tanu holds his hand.. He turns and shoves her hand away forcibly and louds his voice saying.. Just get lost from my sight.. I don't want to talk with you..

But I want to speak with you Abhi.. even if you don't wish.. She says and holds his arm again.. Abhi grins his teeth and    pushes her away.. He stormed out of the house.. while Sandy and Dadi smirked at Tanu who gave them an odious look..

You deserve more worse than this Tanu.. and the day is not too far.. that day I was quiet when Abhi took a step to marry you.. But today I regret for being dumb, even after knowing that his decision was wrong.. Mark my words Tanu.. You will be pushed out of this house by the same Abhi, who once brought you inside this house.. Dadi sounded rigid..

Undefined Love.. Meaning Of Love  -  Abhigya Love FFWhere stories live. Discover now