Chapter Sixteen

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Fern turned onto the highway, some of his nerves relieved as they were surrounded by other random cars. He let his shoulders relax and relaxed his foot on the gas.

"We should be good for awhile," Fern said aloud, he waited a few seconds giving Ani a chance to show any type of acknowledgment.

Fern turned his head slightly, trying to discreetly look at Ani. He was scanning through his phone, not paying any mind to Fern. Fern turned back to the road, trying not to look discouraged.

"We won't get caught as easily now, at least as long as we're on the highway." Again, his words were followed by silence. "Do you think we'll get caught?"

"Does it matter to you?" Ani asked finally, bitterness oozing out of his words.

"Of course it does," Fern frowned and looked at Ani then back at the road. "And not just about the getting in trouble part."

"You mean to tell me you actually give a shit about Edudu?"

"Of course I do, Ani. Why else would I be doing this?"

"To get me to forgive you," Ani said, Fern felt a panic try and rise up in his chest.

"That's not true. Of course, I care about you forgiving me, but I would never use anyone's death like that."

"Then why do you care about Edudu? You met him twice."

Fern was silent in thought, he knew there was a reason he cared but he didn't know how to articulate it. Ani scoffed, Fern turned to him his mouth open wanting to say something.

"I figured. If we get caught tell them I threatened to hurt myself if you didn't take me."

"Ani I do care about Edudu, and I'm not going to make up anything to throw you under the bus."

Ani didn't say anything in response, Fern heard the tapping of Ani's phone again.

Another half hour passed, Fern rubbed the back of his eyes with his palm stifling yawns. He never needed glasses, but in the lamp illuminated streets, everything was becoming blurry.

Without looking he reached for the radio fumbling with the knobs. He successfully turned it on, but only received static. Fern sighed and continued turning knobs and flipping switches on the radio. Still not receiving anything but static.

"Fucking hell Rodo, get a new damn radio," Fern mumbled hitting the front of the radio. He glanced quickly trying to at least see what he was doing wrong.

"Fern keep your eyes on the road," Ani said, he shut off his phone and looked at him. Fern turned back to the road but still tried fumbling with the keys of the radio. "Do you have an aux cord in here?"

Fern turned to look at him, Ani snapped at him. "Eyes on the road Fern." Fern quickly turned back to the road, veering the truck out of the way of a bigger truck.

"Yeah it's-" Fern went to point, Ani smacked his hand lightly.

"Tell me with your words Fern," Ani specified.

"Uh, it's in the compartment in front of you. Probably under a bunch of envelopes."

Ani nodded and opened up the compartment. The first thing to fall out was a pair of red panties, followed by several white envelopes once tightly packed into the compartment. "Holy shit."

"What is it?" Fern asked without turning his head. Ani pushed envelopes off of his lap and picked up the red panties with as little fabric as he could touch and held it close to Fern's face. "Are those panties?" Fern asked, squinting and tilting his head just enough to see.

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