Chapter Eight

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"Okay, we're all set," Anakin said suddenly snapping Fern out of the trance that he had fallen into. Fern looked at him and rubbed his eye.

"All set with what?"

"Reminiscing? Gloominess? I don't know but we need to do something fun, right now." Anakin declared, he got out his phone and began texting on it.

"Oh...but flamingos they're so interesting..." Fern stifled a yawn behind his fist. Ani looked up at his phone. He moved closer and patted Fern's left arm.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me. Now come on I have a fun idea for the both of us." Ani wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, he slipped his phone into his back pocket and turned around. Fern licked his lips when Anakin's back was turned to him, he really didn't appreciate Anakin looking at him like that.

"Where are we going?" Anakin paid him no mind and began walking forward. Fern stifled a groan and followed after him, he waved once more to the flamingos right before they left the building.

"To Narnia or something like that," Ani answered as soon as they were out of the building. They were both squinting adjusting to the bright sunlight.

"Narnia..." Fern said slowly, hoping that Ani would be so inclined as to explain. Anakin turned to him looking at him with a side eye, he frowned and shook his head.

"Please don't tell me." He sighed deeply and crossed his arms as they walked.

"Narnia?" Fern said even slower, he had to speed up to keep pace with Anakin's quickening pace. "Hey slow down I did still just come back from soccer practice."

"Maybe instead of soccer practice, you could pick up a book." Anakin stopped at a low part of the fence. The 'fence' of the zoo wasn't actually a fence. The zoo followed a safari theme. Instead of actual metal fences, they just had logs supported by other logs. The whole thing only came up to Fern's hip. High enough to keep small children from wandering into the woods.

"While I'm playing soccer?" Anakin turned at Fern and shook his head, his locks shaking with the rest of his head.

"I can't decide if you're being smart, or being dumb right now." He reached bent over the logs looking out into the forest. Fern looked around, they were by an area filled with a couple of vendors. There were no animal exhibits nearby. A few low hanging trees might have covered their suspicious activity.

"Maybe I'm playing for both teams." He offered, earning another exasperated look from Anakin.

"Excuse you, isn't that my job?"

"Fine then, I'll play for all teams," Fern said innocently, Anakin lifted a leg over the log and shimmied over. Fern couldn't help but look at his ass as he did so, it was a habit at this point. "But if there are only two teams, then aren't you also playing for all teams?" Anakin took a deep breath.

"Can you stop being inquisitive and help me over this fence?"

"Shouldn't you encourage curiosity? Asking the right questions? The honors student motto?" He didn't know where to grab to help Anakin over, so he just put his palms on Anakin's lower back and pushed.

"Woah!" Ani's palms slid on the wood and went over the edge, the upper half of his body followed. Fern's eyes widened, with his palms still on Anakin's back they slipped down to his lower back and he ended up pushing him even more while falling on top of him.

"Fern! Please get your 120 plus ass off of me!" Anakin grunted elbowing Fern in the side. Fern's face was burning up as he untangled himself from Anakin and rolled off on his back.

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