Chapter Nine

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Fern rolled over his in his bed and checked his phone again. His binders and homework papers had long since fallen to the floor. He had a pencil pushed into his hair but he doubted that it was helping improve his situation at all. His phone buzzed as he received a text.

<Mother of My Unborn Child: How's your punishment going?>

Fern quickly sat up as soon as he saw the message and opened his messaging app. He questioned why he had chosen to sit up and laid back down quickly typing back a reply.

<Me: Pretty shitty and sore I'm being locked away & forced to do homework until I graduate>

<Mother of my Unborn Child: My poor Fernando :( I'm sorry that I got you in trouble.>

<Me: Whatever I had fun with u so it's ok>

<Mother of my Unborn Child: If it helps I didn't get away scott free, not as bad as physical labor though.>

<Me: What happened?>

<Mother of my Unborn Child: Well I tried to write it off as me trying to impress you because I liked you and I felt like you didn't like me back>

Fern blinked at the screen for a moment, he did remember Anakin saying that he liked him at some point.

<Me: Is that true though?>

<Mother of my Unborn Child: Eh not really, I did like you and I know you don't like me that way. But I really do just like hanging out with you as a friend.>

<Me: Oh cool. What did your parents say?>

<Mother of my Unborn Child: Oh lol well I guess that was the last straw because my mom told me that she wasn't surprised another guy wouldn't want to be with a cross-dresser. And that she's fine with me being gay or whatever but to stop trying to be something I'm not.>

Fern took a deep breath as anger made his skin feel like it was boiling. He couldn't imagine anyone being that cruel to someone, especially Anakin.

<Me: WTF?>

<Mother of my Unborn Child: I don't blame her. She's been tiptoeing around my issues for awhile so I guess this broke the dam. My dad jumped in on the I Hate Anakin bandwagon too.>

<Me: Please don't tell me he said something too>

<Mother of my Unborn Child: Oh just that he wished I was normal. And that maybe he wouldn't mind half as much if he didn't feel like he was raising two daughters. And that maybe I should spend the money I use on makeup to get a haircut, some new clothes, and a bottle of alcohol.>

<Me: Why the alcohol?>

<Mother of my Unborn Child: I guess that's an initiation to some stupid club at school idk.>

<Me: Did your sister at least stand up for you?>

<Mother of my Unborn Child: Nope the snake threw me under the bus. Either to make it seem like she didn't totally drive us there.>

11/10Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora