Chapter Three

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Fern glanced at the clock again, it felt like time was both going too slowly and too quickly. He zoned out as his clock slowly ticked to seven minutes past two o'clock in the morning. He blinked slowly, but the next time he opened his eyes it was seventeen minutes past two and his pen was sticking to his face.

"Shit," He mumbled as he rubbed his face, the pen falling to the floor. He looked at the pen on the floor for almost an entire minute before shrugging. "Screw you too pen." He turned and looked back at his math and realized he had been doing the entire paper in pen. "Screw you paper, shit I can't take this anymore." He pushed away from his desk and stood up his back making a worrying cracking noise as he stretched. "How do people fucking do this shit!" He groaned loudly, but not loud enough for his parents to actually hear him. He had gotten enough of an earful without his mother having to come to his room with a spoon in her hand and rollers in her hair.

There was a buzz from his desk, Fern looked over to see his phone nearly shaking off the surface. Fern stepped over picking up his phone and turning it on.

"I swear if it's another col-- oh." A tired smile spread across his face, he opened his phone reading the text.

<Mother of my Unborn Child: Hey B what's poppin'?>

<Mother of my Unborn Child: Sorry it's late and I always feel a little drunk, that was my way of saying hello and are you still up because I am and tired.>

<Mother of my Unborn Child: Wow Queen of run-on sentences who? Lol >

Fern replied with a quick sort of urgency, his fingers suddenly coming alive as if talking to Ani was just what he needed to stay awake.

<Me: Can I call u?>

The reply was immediate.

<Mother of my Unborn Child: Mhm>

Fern smiled and clicked the phone next to Ani's screen name. He put the phone to his ear and waited. The tone dipped and the line went through.

"Hello handsome, this is Pound Cake calling from Heavy Mary's Escort service. What are your reasons for calling sugar? Romantic, roleplay, making a spouse jealous, or just plain dirty?" Fern's entire body felt red and hot. He knew full well who he was calling. The voice and the words that oozed out of her mouth made his blood boil and his skin feel tight. He struggled with something reasonable to say, his one saving grace being that she wasn't there in front of him. Especially in the way he was imagining her.

"Yeah uh is loneliness an option for calling, how about insanity, a shoulder to cry on hopefully?" He said just loud enough to be heard from the other line.

"Aw I'm a sorry pumpkin but that sounds like a case for the over the phone psychiatric help. I work there too, my name is Dr. Pound Cake."

"First name Pound last name Cake?" He asked slowly relaxing, he was able to steady his breathing to keep himself cool.

"Nope, my first name Catherine last name Kuze Kuze."

"Oh? Then where did the name Pound Cake come from? Sorry, Doctor Pound Cake."

"Oh, it's just a nickname for my ass. I really need to stop letting customer nicknames stick" There was a light laugh from over the phone but Fern was far from laughing. He thought he was going to have a heart attack at that point. He fell back into his bed covering his eyes with his arm. "Fern?"

"Still here Pound Cake." He mumbled having to clear his throat. "Why Kuze Kuze?"

"Because I crave exotic things early in the morning." She answered like it was just a perfectly normal thing to say. "Food, cars, animals, people." Fern's eyes widened again, maybe this wasn't the best idea so early in the morning. Everything tended to get sloppier less thought out in the mornings.

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