Chapter 5 - Part 2

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Just when Charlotte had thought to have a peaceful night for once, she was rudely awakened by troublesome nightmares later that night. She gasped, as she shot up in bed with a fright. Her heart was pounding rapidly inside of her chest, as she frantically peered around the room. She had almost completely forgotten where she was..however, she was more than relieved when she recalled that she was at Slim's ranch. The whole house was quiet. Miss Daisy must have still been in the room with Mike, because she didn't want to disturb her while she was asleep. Feeling afraid and alone, Charlotte had the immediate urge to go find Jess or Slim. But, she was scared to bother them if they were already in bed. She just desperately needed somebody to talk to right now. After a few moments of fighting with unsettling thoughts and doubt, Charlotte gave in and decided to go see if anyone else was still awake. She quietly climbed out of bed and made her way out the bedroom. She had to be very careful, as she was still weak and in pain.

Seeing a small lantern lit, Charlie stepped into the main room. She saw Jess was wide awake and sitting in a rocking chair by the fireplace. He appeared to be deep in thought, as he stared down at the floor. Charlie took a few deep breaths before she got up the courage to approach him. "Jess?" Charlotte said his name softly to get his attention. He immediately looked up in her direction, when he heard her. "Charlie?" He said, as he sat up straighter in the chair, and looked at her with concern in his eyes "Charlie, what are you doin' up, Honey? It's almost three o'clock in the morning. Everything okay?" He questioned her thoughtfully. Charlotte tried to get over her shyness, as she slowly walked over to him. "Um. I, I had a bad dream and I couldn't go back to sleep. Then, I just wanted somebody to talk to, I guess." Charlie answered shyly, rubbing her arm. "Ah. I'm sorry to hear that." He was watching her attentively. He waved her over with his hand. "Come here, kid. You know, you don't have to just stand there." She blushed faintly. "I just didn't wanna disturb you." Jess shook his head. "No, Charlie. You're not." He assured her. Charlotte smiled softly at him, as she came over to his side. Jess pointed over to the chair next to him. "Sit down if you want. Rest your feet some. You can talk to me, if you want to..Not like I have anything better to do at the moment." Charlie nodded, as she quietly took a seat beside him. She sat there a bit awkwardly. "Thanks." He seemed a bit amused by her shyness. "Charlie, just relax. You don't have to be so tense around here, alright? We don't bite. I mean, unless you're a bandit or somethin' similar of the kind." He said with a small smile. She grinned slightly, and then looked at him, concerned. "Don't you sleep any, Mr. Jess?" She asked him curiously. Jess shrugged. "I do. Guess I'm havin' a bit of a sleepless night, myself." He admitted. Charlotte looked at him with slight concern this time. "Oh. Really?" She replied, gazing up at him. Jess gave a small shrug. "I do, sometimes." Charlie sighed, glancing over at the wooden wall. "Guess that makes two of us, then." He smiled some. "Guess it does." He agreed. Charlotte looked back at him. "Mr. Jess, is Miss Daisy still with Mike?" Charlie asked. Jess nodded. "She is. She didn't wanna wake you earlier, so she stayed with him for the night." Charlotte smiled thoughtfully. "She's a very compassionate woman. I really like her. I don't think I ever met anybody so caring and kind." She actually felt a little happier, when talking about Daisy. Jess smiled back at Charlie. "And, you never will, Charlie. She certainly has a mother's heart. Toward ever single creature that lives and breathes." He laughed softly. Charlie grinned at him. "Even with you and Mr. Slim. I can tell she really loves all of you." Again, Jess's eyes held a tender, softness in them. "That, she does. No argument against that. Even though, we both certainly cause her more than her share a' grief." He laughed again. Charlotte could tell by the way he spoke about the older woman that he held her in high regards. Miss Daisy must have been like the heart of their "family", she thought. "Obviously, she must not object too much. It's clear, even to me, that she still wouldn't never wanna be anywhere else..but, right here with you. Like, she's found her home and purpose with all of you." Charlotte told him with a deep thoughtfulness. Jess surprised her by reaching over to pat her hand softly. "Ya know, you are a real perceptive little girl, Charlie. I see, that you still have a strong head on your shoulders..and you've shown strength because, even after all you've been dealt in your young life, you still refuse to let any of those things stop you from having a heart for others." "And, in my eyes, any father with half a brain would be honored to have a daughter like you." Charlotte was speechless after hearing what Jess Harper just told her. His heartfelt words brought tears to her eyes. "Gee! I, I don't know what to say, mister. That's one of the kindest things anybody's ever said to me." She stammered, trying not to break down in front of him. "Well, it's true, Charlie. Do me a favor. Don't ever let nobody tell you any other way. Not even your Pa. Heck, he don't even deserve you." Jess said boldly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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