Chapter 3

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She looked up to see Jess standing outside the door and he was looking down at her with concerned eyes

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She looked up to see Jess standing outside the door and he was looking down at her with concerned eyes. "Daisy told me you were in here. Are you alright?" Jess raised a brow when he saw her, but he didn't say anything about it. She nodded shyly. "Yes sir. I'm fine." She answered meekly. "Well, I was just checkin' on you. Dinner should be ready soon. You should join us." Jess said, tapping the doorframe. Charlotte smiled at him, as she shyly walked passed him. "Heh. My clothes got a little messed up." She muttered, feeling embarrassed again, to be seen in boy clothes. He seemed to understand her discomfort. "Don't worry 'bout it. It's not really a big deal." Charlie shook her head, following sheepishly behind him. Mike grinned widely when he noticed her. "Hey! You look better than I do, in those!" Charlotte wanted to disappear right then. "T-Thanks, I guess." She laughed, fidgeting with her hands. "Now, Mike." Daisy warned. Slim chuckled at them. Jess just shook his head. 

"Charlie," Daisy said warmly, coming over to her. She paused to look her over. She, then, reached over to lightly brush a few strands of auburn hair behind her ear. "You have some very lovely hair. Has anyone ever told you that?" Charlotte was touched by even the simplest of kind words. "No, ma'am. Not really. But thank you." "My darling little sister used to have almost the same exact color as yours. And, would you just look at those ringlets? Isn't she just precious, Slim? Jess?" Daisy gushed over her. The men just stood by listening to them. Charlotte never was one much for attention. Of course, maybe, that was partly because she wasn't used to receiving any. She actually kinda enjoyed the attention from Daisy. Slim chuckled, putting a hand on Charlie's back, as he slipped passed her. "Don't get shy on us. It's just been awhile since Miss Daisy's had any female company. Plus, she has a very big heart for kids." Charlotte smiled up at him. "Well, Slim, she is a very polite little girl at that." "Oh yeah? Well, maybe, she could teach this young fella a thing or two." Slim teased Mike, ruffling his blonde hair. "Whoa! With her? Gee, I don't mind!" He cried excitedly, making them all laugh out loud. Charlotte turned away for a moment, when another unpleasant thought crossed her mind. She averted her eyes, when she noticed Jess's eyes on her. He must have sensed something was up. In fact, she had seen that same expression from him earlier. That made her feel uneasy. "Come, Mike. Why don't you and Slim come over and help me set the table?" Daisy said, waving them over. "Okay!" Mike sounded so enthusiastic about nearly everything. "You got it." Slim also went to help her. Charlotte looked up at Jess, wondering what she should do. He turned his attention back to her. "It's fine. Just relax a little." He soothed, patting her shoulder. She nodded, going over to peer out of the window nearest her. "I'm sorry. I just feel a little outta place here." She admitted. "Nah. I understand." Jess replied, leaning up against the wall, with his arms crossed. 

Charlotte's eyes lit up once she caught sight of the inviting scenes just outside. "Wow! That's a bunch of cattle out there." Jess actually smiled a bit, watching her. "Kid, you act like you ain't never seen anything like that before." He teased. "Well, it's a real nice place out here." Charlie said. "It is somethin', huh?" He replied. "Mmhm." She stared almost longingly out at the green fields. Jess thought for a moment. Then, he smiled. "Would you like to take a walk out in the field with me later, so you can get a closer look?" Charlotte was excited, but also hesitant. "Um..I would love to, Mr. Harper. But, I, I don't know." Jess looked at her intently. "Charlie, I'm not gonna hurt you or anything like that...if that's what you're thinkin'. I mean, I know you don't know us all too well yet, but you're safe here." He spoke with such conviction that Charlotte could see he seemed to be an honest man. "Look, I don't know exactly what's happened to you, kid..But, I can see that something is really troubling you. I know someone has hurt you." He stopped, when her eyes went wide with fear. "No!" She cried loudly. She took a fearful step back from him. So, he did know somewhat... "No! No, you're wrong! I'm fine, mister. There's nothing wrong with me!" She started to deny it. "Hey." Jess frowned. Hearing her cries, Slim, Daisy, and Mike looked over their way. "Jess?" Slim said, walking over. "What's the matter?" He demanded, glancing at Jess and then down at Charlie. Jess seemed to briefly regret even bringing that up, but he also looked a bit frustrated. His teeth clenched. "Look, kid, I don't wanna cause you no grief! I only want to help you! But, if you don't say anything, then I can't–" Slim quickly stopped him. "Jess, hold on." He warned, holding up a hand. Jess sighed aloud, glancing at Slim. "Be easy with her. Remember?" He mouthed to him. Secretly panicking inside, Charlotte was about to break down again. "Charlie, it's okay. Try and calm down now, Honey, please." Slim attempted to coax her. "No! Nobody cares about me anyway! Whether I'm dead or alive!" "Now, you shouldn't talk like that." Jess scolded her, lifting a finger to her, from which she shied away. Against her will, Charlotte began to tremble violently. "I, I don't belong here. I shouldn't be here..." Tears began to slip down her cheeks. Jess looked over at Slim, not knowing how to handle this. Slim looked upset too. Mike was confused. Daisy seemed to be close to tears herself. "Hon, please. Let us help you." Daisy spoke gently to the child. Jess groaned in frustration, as he stepped away for a second. "Slim, I didn't mean to upset the kid. You know that." He told him quietly. "I know. Just apologize to her." Slim suggested. Now, Charlotte felt upset for the way she spoke to Jess. She just had so many conflicting emotions inside of her. Charlotte went to Daisy, who immediately took the girl in her arms. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Charlie wept in her arms. Daisy hugged her and gently began to rock her in her arms for comfort. "Sh! There, there. You've just had a rotten day, Honey." Mike gave her a little smile. "You wanna go play outside with me, Charlie? Would that cheer ya up?" Daisy gave him a look. "Mike, that's very sweet of you, dear, but I think Charlie should settle down in here for a while. I think she's pretty tired." Mike didn't even argue with her. "Okay." He agreed. Charlotte decided she really liked Mike.. even if he was loud and kind of annoying sometimes. "Thanks, Mike." She whispered. He smiled back at her. Jess and Slim stood nearby watching. 

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