Chapter 3 - Part 2

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Thinking of the current situation at hand, Charlotte's mind began to drift off as she stared absently down at her hands folded in her lap. "Charlie, dear, is everything okay?" Daisy questioned, as she got up to begin clearing off the table. "Will you help me, hon?" She asked Mike. He nodded. "Sure!" Charlie was about to get up to help also, but Daisy told her that they would take care of it. Charlie took a minute to answer. "Yes, ma'am. I just don't know what I'm gonna do." Her lip quivered with anxiety. Daisy immediately came over to comfort her once again. "Oh. I know. But, we'll find a way to get you through this somehow. If only you will let us help you. You also must be willing to let us do so, honey." Daisy gently reached over to hug her from behind. Charlie loved the warmth of this woman's touch. She made you feel like the safest person in the world. "I want to, Miss Daisy. I really do. I just..I'd owe you more than I could ever repay." She choked up. Daisy paused to look down at Charlie. "Doll, you don't owe us nothin'. We want to do this. It don't count for nothin' if you give compassion away to someone, only to receive somethin' back. Just like the Good Book says, it is better to give, than it is to receive. Now, I can tell you ain't used to these sorts a' things. But, as long as you're here, in this house, don't expect nothin' less." She winked, smiling. Charlie leaned back against her and closed her eyes, fighting against more tears. Even after she kept trying to convince herself to not let herself shed any more tears, her heart was moved more than ever. "I don't know what to say, Miss." "Charlie, love, you don't have to say a thing." She shushed her. Charlie did not know what to make of all this. Yet, she felt a strange feelthoughtn to overwhelm her heart. A tiny spark of hope! "Oh, Daisy!" She wept. Daisy just hugged and comforted her a while longer, before she had to go back to her tasks. Charlie smiled, watching after Miss Daisy and her newfound friend, Mike.


A little later when Jess and Slim still hadn't returned, Charlotte was starting to worry. Even though she had only just met them, she realized that she was VERY quickly becoming fond of them. However, that also scared the girl. She couldn't just allow herself to trust anybody so fast. She had to protect her heart, for she had already had it crushed so many times before. But, what if they really were different? They truly seemed determined to help her. There was no doubt about that! That had to mean something! A sudden idea crossed her mind. Boy, she knew she may have been pushing it if she chose to follow through with it..Yet, she couldn't stop thinking about Jess. Charlie struggled, wondering what about what she should do. Unfortunately, in the end, her deep concern won over anything else. She just had to go and find him. Charlie knew it likely wasn't the wisest decision, but hopefully they'd understand. She waited for the right opportunity (when Daisy and Mike weren't watching) before quietly and carefully slipping out the house. She kinda had a bad feeling about doing this, because they probably expected her to stay inside. Jess and Slim might not like for her to roam around here on her own without an adult. Her heart was filled with anxiety, as she wondered how they might react. What would they do to her if they got angry enough? But, at that thought, Jess's encouraging words to her from earlier was brought back to her mind. He had sworn that no harm would ever come to her here. He had sounded real sure of himself when he said it. Could she really be so sure? Charlie wrestled with those unsettling thoughts as she tried to figure her way around this place. Her eyes widened. This place was huge! How easy would it be for her to get lost in it? She didn't know anything about the place. 

Charlotte peered up at the evening sky. The sun would be setting before long. She shook her head, trying to stay calm. She couldn't help but be in awe of this large, glorious place. It was one of the nicest ranches that she had ever seen in her life. Of course, she'd mostly only seen ranches like these from the outside. How she would love to just run freely throughout these green pastures. It was so serene and quaint here. It may have sounded rather silly to other people; but it brought to her memory a specific Psalm from the Bible. Psalm 23. "The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake...." 

Coming Home (Laramie Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz