C H A P T E R 2 7

Start from the beginning

"But it's not just the interiors that was paid attention to, safety comes first and foremost. The car is equipped with airbags and air bladders in the side bolsters of the seats. Furthermore, we provide free active safety feature checkup every month. The tires are specially designed for firm grip and do not slide. Drivers can toggle between a standard reflective glass and a screen showing three hundred percent wider view, which means up to four lanes of traffic are visible. At night, there is a forward facing infrared unit that highlights pedestrians and animals in a dashboard display. Drivers can even control their car's multimedia system using touch sensitive pads on the steering wheel."

Mr. Jenson went on and on about its features and accessories while occasionally walking up to the car to explain things.

After another fifteen minutes or so, he finally stopped. "So this is the latest model in Serychel. Torrec Serychel is every man's must have car, costing only about three point four million dollars."

Only three point four millions dollars. Yeah, no big deal.

The audience broke into applause again and Alistair thanked them. "I have something to announce. Three people out of you all wonderful lot will receive the car absolutely free of cost as a gift from me. The people chosen will be completely random so good luck. Thank you everyone! The party has only just begun. Please enjoy yourselves."

With a huge smile, he exited off the stage and all the lights focused on the the car, Torrec Serychel.

The lights came back on and the music started again. Mr. Jenson walked off towards a type of a press conference set up at a side where he answered questions about the product and met clients interested in his company and products.

Photographers spread throughout the hall as they questioned celebrities about their personal and professional affairs. I became aware that they were nearing towards our group. Of course, why wouldn't they? This family was the main highlight of the event.

Flashes went off every now and then and I was afraid my pictures were taken. Some photographers approached Mrs. Jenson and Rachael and started firing questions about their clothes line and Rachael's big step into the fashion industry as a designer. They asked details about her upcoming show at Paris Fashion Week sometime during the next month and about her marriage to Robert, which apparently was a secret affair done in the privacy of their private beach.

I seemed to catch a certain photographer's attention and he started making his way towards me with his camera. I grabbed Olivia's hand tightly, silently telling her what was about to go wrong. If the photographer looked close and for a long time enough, he might actually recognize me.

"Shit," I whispered to Olivia and she just seemed as panicked about it as me. Great. Now even she didn't know what we were supposed to do.

We inconspicuously tried to move further into the group, making sure to be at the back. Luckily, there was a huge group of some sort huddled at a table not far from our family group. I noticed that the photographer seemed fully suspicious of us now. He relentlessly followed us and that seemed to grab one of his friend's attention as he came after him too.

Suddenly, someone accidentally shoved me and I stumbled a few steps forward, which made me separate from the group of people. Now I was out in the open, practically in the middle of the hall for everyone to see.

The photographer was directly in front of now. "Excuse me, ma'am. Can I-" he was cut off when something in shimmery gold stepped in front of me. Something grabbed hold of my arm and made me stay back.

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