Captain Blue x reader

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Ocean eyes.~

*Thanks for requesting! Sorry if he's kind of ooc there isn't meany fanfic's for him it's disappointing.. well here's this one! I hope you enjoy!

No warnings.

×takes place on the monster ship×

Ugh you felt like you were going to be sick.. the ship tossed and turned during the storm.

Damn hurricane..

You leaned against a pole holding your stomach a hand covering your mouth, you got sea sick very easily.

Normally you were fine until the waves hit the ship to hard then you'd loose your lunch.

"Aye! Undyne ye better be careful with that thing!" Captain yells.

She yells back at him. "Hold your horses! I'm doing my best! This storm is getting worse!"

Captain sighs. "I know that! Do I look like I was born yesterday!?"

Undyne smirks. "You're short enough to be."

"Aye! Shut your trap!" He stomps down the steps past you.

He turns back to you.

"Y/n, lass are you alright? You don't look so good."

You gulp. "Y-yeah.. I ugh.. just don't feel too good.. heh.. "

You hold your stomach again almost throwing up.

He sighs his hand under your chin. "Ye get sick easily don't Cha? What are ye doin' out here then?"

You shake your head. "I'm sorry Captain. Captain orange made me clean the deck before the storm started.. by the time I was done.. the storm was already raging."

He scoffs. "My brother isn't the brightest is he? Come here dear lass, we got to get you somewhere warm."

You nod as he wraps his arm around your waist guiding you down to lower deck.

Your blush burns at how close he was to you, yes you had a massive crush on your Captain.. it was silly but you didn't care.

It all started when he chased down a human ship that you were on, he stole their valuables then stole you that same day, your old Captain was your uncle and he didn't give a damn about you, he treated you like crap anyway.

So you were glad the monsters took you, sure they weren't nice at first but after a while Captain Blue got them into shape, and made them treat you better.


He brought you into his Captains quarters, he sets you on the bed still holding onto your waist.

"Will ye be alright?"

You got lost in his eye.. it was such a pretty color.. almost hypnotic in a way.

He waves his hand in front of your face.


You shake your head. "Sorry Captain.."

"It be alright, now will you be alright in here? I have to direct us out of the storm."

You nod. "Yeah I should be. Please Blue be careful.. because.. someone really cares about you."

He smiles and sets his hat on your head. "I'll be back. I promise."

He looks into your eyes longingly for a moment.. inching closer.. as if he was about to kiss you.. but he pulls back and leaves you.

You sigh. You really hoped he'd be alright, that storm was pretty bad.


You woke up to someone sleeping next to you.

You sit your head up to see who it was, Captain Blue laid next to you, his arms wrapped protectively around your waist he snored.

You found it cute and kissed his cheek.

You looked out the window beside the bed, it was sunny again, bright blue skies, seagulls flying in the distance.

You still had his hat on.

He turns his skull to face you. "Aye mornin' lass, did ye sleep well?"

You smile. "Yes I did. Thank you."

He leans over and kisses your forehead, you blush. "C-captain!?"

He chuckles. "I know ye like me. And just call me sans. Captain blue is my pirate name."

You smile and hug him.

You both cuddled the rest of the day.


Captain Orange kicks the door in. "AM I HAVING A NIECE OR A NEPHEW!?"

Sans throws a book at him. "Get out!"

Captain orange laughs running down the hall.

"He can be so embarrassing.."

You just laugh and kiss his teeth.

End:3 I got inspired by a oceantale fanfiction I read way back. I don't remember who wrote it though.. it's been a while. Sorry if this is bad, I'm bad at pirate talk! XD. Hope you enjoyed!

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