Yandere! Blueberry x reader

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No one can take you from me.

*I don't remember if I used the pic above before.. oh well..Warning: blood, stalking, knives!

×takes place underground×

Snow crunches under the skeletons feet as he walked to his beloved girlfriend.

Well.. soon to be girlfriend.. she was his future girlfriend but she didn't know it yet.

His arms were crossed behind his back carrying a pink envelope in his gloved hands.

Today he was gonna confess, he finally had the courage to do so.

With help from honey.

He hummed a sweet melody nodding his head with the humming.

Finally he was at your doorstep, a sweet smile on his face, he knocks four times.

"Coming!" He hears his beloved yell.

His soul pounds against his ribs nervously. 'what am I gonna say?' 'what if she doesn't feel the same?' 'what if..-'

He shakes the bad thoughts away, seeing you standing there warmed his soul.

"Oh double b! What a surprise! Come on in." She moved to the side letting him in.

He nods and walks inside the small home, sitting on the leather couch.

He still had the envelope behind his back.

She shuts the door and sits next to the nervous skele.

Her hands cupped together in her lap, she smiles at the skele.

He looks away bashfully. "Y/n.. I have something I want to say."

She tilts her head cutely making his blush darker.

He hands her the envelope looking away and hiding his face in his bandanna.

You look at him oddly for a moment then open it.

Inside you find the sweetest love letter, (insert love letter here cuz I can't think of anything XD)

It made your heart melt. "Aw blue this is the sweetest thing I've ever read." You hug him.

"Heh.. human.. don't mind it.. I didn't write it.. honey helped."

He blushes.

You plant a kiss on his teeth. "It was still sweet though, and of course I'll be your girlfriend."

Blue smiles and tackles you kissing you all over your face, today was the best day of his life.

*Time skip*

You woke up to not finding blue, sure you knew he was a morning person but he would usually wait until you woke up.

Where was he?

Maybe he went on another human patrol, or had to go to his brother's house for a while.

Yes blue lived with you now, so every now and then he would visit honey.

You stand and yawn leaving your shared room,

And there he was, his back to you his bandanna was tied into a large bow on the back of his head.

"Morning berry." You greeted hugging him from behind.

Blue drops a knife into the sink, "oh love! You startled me!"

"Hun, why are you doing the dishes? There wasn't that meany?" You ask sitting on the counter next to him.

The water in the sink was a light red, which was strange.. blue didn't eat ketchup..? Or..?

"Blue what happened? Did you cut yourself by accident?"

He smirks. "No but I was cutting something."

You tilt your head, in the corner of your eye you see a orange torn and dusty hoodie.

"What the..?" You hop off the counter and walk over to the trash can lifting the hoodie.

Your eyes widen. It was covered in blood, dust and.. soul shards.

"Blue.. what h-

He was suddenly in front of you, he snatched the hoodie out of your hands tossing it across the kitchen.

"Gee.. what a mess huh?"

He smirks his eyes turning red.

You whimper and back away from him, he comes closer.

"Don't you see he was in the way, tried taking you from me from the first time he saw you."

"B-ut.. I Took care of it..."

*Sorry if this is bad.. I have no inspiration.. ehh.. and I kind of rushed on this..

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