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Jeon Jungkook's POV

Now I'm in my bed. I can't stop thinking about what happened today



I turned around and saw the face of the man I loved walking toward me.

Oh no.

"Oh huh hi Yugyeom." I said with a pained voice.

"What are you doing here?"
He seemed suprised to see me outside,I never left the house.

"Hanging out with a friend" I said,pointing at Taehyung behind me. Yugyeom looked at him and his eyes widened.

"Taehyung?! You know Jungkook?!" There was anger in his voice,
What? They knew each other?

Taehyung widened his eyes in horror and then gave Yugyeom the death look.
"Yugyeom,long time no see huh?"

I was confused as hell

"Wait,so you guys know each other?" Said Bambam and me at the same time?

I gave Bambam a quick glance before looking at my creator and my new friend.

It's Yugyeom who explained first.

"Yeah,we were in hight school together. We used to be bestfriends."


"Yeah,but it didn't last long,you literally made my boyfriend cheat on me with you!" Said Taehyung,pain and anger in his voice.


Yugyeom had a smirk on his face.

"Ah yeah,dear Hoseok... how is he by the way?"

"He died." Taehyung coldly said.
I felt so bad for him,I didn't know Yugyeom was so mean.

I looked at Bambam who was looking quite jealous right now,I think Yugyeom didn't told him.
He never told me neither,but weirdly I can't hate him. I love him too much,I was created for.
And I hate it.

"And how do you know Jungkook dear Taehyung?"

I can't believe he's not even asking further details about that Hoseok boy!

"I met him yesterday" I answered before Taehyung could speak.

"You actually went outside? Alone?" Yugyeom said

"Yeah,s-so what?" I tried to look strong but god I wish I could break down right now.

"I just didn't thought you would go out" he said,his smirk never leaving his face.

I looked at Taehyung,he had watery eyes. Probably because of that Hoseok boy.

Oh my god.

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