"I'll kill BASTARD!" Naruto started charging their escort, but was stopped by Kakashi-sensei.

"You don't want to kill our client Naruto." Kakashi said then directed his attention to said client. "I assure you that you are in good hands, I am a Jonin." He eye-smiled.

"You better." Tazuna huffed. "Let's go."


Sakura smiled. She has never been outside of the village before. She was really excited. 'This is going to be fun!' She thought. The most that they will encounter would be thugs if they were to encounter any kind of enemy at all. This was a C-rank mission after all.

The team plus their client took their first steps outside of the gate to their home.


This was not a C-rank mission. They encountered two people who dubbed themselves as The Demon Brothers. They were not thugs, and this was not fun. They all found out that this mission is probably way out of their league and should probably go back, but they decided not to. They were all convinced that they could fulfill their mission. All because of Naruto's speech about not giving up. And after said blond stabbed his hand to release the poison in his blood-stream.

"You probably got all the poison out now, but if you lose any more blood you could die." Kakashi said. Then Naruto started panicking. It was a funny sight for Sakura to witness. She smiled. She was glad to this boy as her friend, he had such great spirit.

Tazuna was happy that they would continue to protect him. The fact was that the tyrant Gato was having his way with the Wave country and was trying everything in his power to prevent the bridge from being built.

They continued their journey with more caution.


Their next encounter with the enemy wasn't as easy as the first one. Kakashi-sensei passed out from exhaustion and Naruto and Sasuke had to carry him back to Tazuna's place. Kakashi was fighting with a missing nin known as The Demon of The Hidden-Mist who has a giant, butcher like sword. He was on par with Kakashi who was also known as The copy-cat nin. He had the sharingan. Sakura could guess where is came from.

Sakura did her research on Kakashi a while ago, he was on a team with an Uchiha named Obito. Obito probably gave it to him as a gift. Although, Sasuke seemed pretty shocked.

Anyway, he was trapped in a water-prison, he seemed pretty worried and wanted us to run, because he didn't want his teammates to die again. Of course Naruto wouldn't let that happen. Naruto and Sasuke actually used teamwork to save their only chance of survival. Then a long haired boy with an anbu mask on supposedly killed Zabuza with senbon. The boy left with the body, and they were left with a now unconscious Sensei.


Tsunami was a nice young lady. She was very motherly, and a really good cook. She was okay with taking in three children and an adult easily, knowing they were the one going to protect her father. She did first aid on the unconscious adult male before feeding and treating the genin. She was filled with hope that these young warriors were going to free her country from their situation, and she was happy. She smiled.

Sakura felt pretty useless and scared. 'Why? Why am I so scared? I trained for years to do this for a living, but why am I so terrified?' 'because you're scared to lose more people that you love' The other voice in her head commented. Sakura has another her in her head. She was her 'Inner'. Sakura couldn't help but agree with her Inner. She already lost her parents, she didn't want to lose her new family as well. 'I guess I'm going to have to protect them in any way I can.' She thought.

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