Chapter 24

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4 months later*

Lynn POV•

I was finally out the hospital. I was chilling at the house. Dontae and them was kinda looking for who killed me or whatever. I was actually at home by myself. I was a little scared you can say.

Ever since that happened I been sleeping on the couch. Aliyah been acting like before which I blame my self for. I knew I should've never let her some back in my house. My little boy was with my mom so, I knew he was okay.

But I was really worried about who would do this to me. I don't get nobody but I feel like it has something to do with my past. I can't believe the shit I used to do.

Aliyah POV

I was typing away at my laptop. I was trying to sell a couple of things online. Lynn had put me out because of my old ways. But I had some money left over from before. I had this hotel booked for a month with the money I had saved up. I was trying to sell stuff I didn't wear and shit like that.

Money was the hardest thing to get unless you was doing some illegal shit, because if you were you didn't care about a fucking pay check.

Just because I didn't have a job Rosen wan I don't have a life. I trying to live my best life. But I gotta get settled in and all that shut before I can even do anything. Y'all already know my past so.. I ain't going no where.

Fuck whoever thing less about me they can all suck a dick.

Bounce Back💋.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora