Chapter 15

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I'm official mad at myself sorry about the updates but there coming I promise to y'all that but enjoy and since I haven't updated in a while I'm not about reread the last chapter soo...😘. Also I'm going to change all the Charters and this will be my last time

Dontae POV

I was just getting in the house when my phone started ringing it was my sister who I haven't talked to in 5 fucking years.

So pretty much she feel in love with this nigga after we told her that he wasn't right and he started abusing her and shit like that. I got her one time and that was my last time. I was taking care of her but she set my dumb ass up. I lost everything with a gun to my head.

After that shit I never fucking talked to her again. I declined her call and don't give not one fuck if something's wrong with her family is before anything and that's a fact y'all probably like them why you treating her like this, because I am the fuck.

Anyways Naya has her baby's or whatever. That baby ugly asf tbh. I'm not tryna go or nothing. But I told my nigga and he still with Naya but I had to fire him because he keep being her up there and shit like no nigga no.

At the moment in life I'm not looking for nothing I'm just worried about my mama and that's it fuck everybody and everything else.


Y'all haven't heard from me in a lil minute. I've been just living life and shit started back selling because I learned love ain't everything. Me and Jade just check on each other every once in a while shit like that you know

And I'm not tryna be back with her our anything I'm just tryna live life and shut like that. And no I don't sell with Dontae me and him don't fuck with each other like that if you know what I'm saying.

Things have changed when I say things I mean everything in life. I've killed people kept people alive but one thing I'm not going to do is die.

Anyways today I was going to the mall for my godson and buying him a feels things. I got out the car and walked in.

I headed straight to footlocker I looked at Jordan's and got him 2 pair (Retros) and him all white Air Force ones. Then I went into PINK to by my sister an outfit yes I have a sister she's like 16 I looked at Jogging Suits.

I found one that was baby blue ( I'm in love with PINK Nation 😍😍). Then I looked at smell good stuff and got her anything that matched over there. I bring it to the cash register.

Naya POV

I was in the car outside of Dontae trap. My baby need his job. We're going broke by the minute. Next thing you know all I hear is yelling.

''Get your dumbass out my ducking trap'' Dontae said. ''Come one bro please I just need a job'' Deon said. He spit blood out of his mouth.

I got out the car and helped him since he was on his knees.

''Just give him a fucking chance'' I said crying a little. ''Bitch I should bet you ass you cheated on me know look at this nigga'' Dontae said laughing. He walked back in.

I really fucked up.

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