A Temporary Replacement - Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

Perhaps this was a way you could win him over... At least, gain his trust. Perhaps even become friends.

"Actually, we were planning on eating dinner together," you said with a solemn nod. Peter looked utterly confused - perhaps concerned, even - although you gave him a state that kept him from protesting too much.

"Right," he murmured. "Let's - erhm, get going."

With that, the two of you briskly walked away from the girls, hastily making your way to the kitchen and dining hall.

It seemed like everyone else in there was already preoccupied - either drinking, gossiping, or sucking off another person's face. It was almost like a bar in itself... You were used to all of this, although Peter looked absolutely mortified.

"You haven't seen this before?" you asked softly.

"No," he murmured, his eyes scanning just about everything around him. "I haven't."

"Don't worry," you muttered. "I swear we won't end up like that."

Your head flicked lightly to a particularly young couple, who was doing... Well, far more than just kissing. You were surprised that they weren't entirely naked right then and there.

"I'm glad," Peter murmured. "Not that you aren't beautiful or pretty or whatever the hell these guys are lusting after, but it's good to finally meet someone that has good morals... Or at least, someone who wants to do something other than get in my pants."

Was that a compliment?

You glanced over at him, and to your relief, he still seemed quite uncomfortable with the scene... Not that you were glad that he wasn't alright with this, but he wasn't trying to flirt.

Thank god.

"Here - there's some food over this way," you nodded. "We can talk there."

You led him to a particularly empty table, occupied only by a silver-haired crew member who drank until he passed out. The food - which consisted of overcooked soup and nearly stale bread - seemed practically untouched.

You simply sat down at the table. Peter sat down next to you, eyeing a few people who he deemed suspicious before turning his gaze to you.

He was most definitely an American. As you watched him for a moment, you understood why so many women fell for him - probably for his pristine, Aryan look... Sandy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, such a perfectly chiseled face that it seemed like any girl would melt.

But not you.

You were in love with someone else - and that someone was the very person this "perfect man" was searching to find.

"So... Erhm, Peter - tell me about yourself," you said. "Not in a 'this is a date' kind of way, but just so that neither you nor I are working with a complete stranger."

He stood up for a moment, reaching over to grab some stew and pour it into a bowl, sitting back down before glancing back to you.

"What do you want to know?" he said, grabbing your bowl and grabbing you something to eat too. It was only common courtesy.

"Well... Let's start with your story. What made you become a detective?"

It turned out to be quite interesting, actually. He had done so after his dad had passed away when he was a young boy, and it turned out that he had gotten called to help only because they wanted diversity and someone who would thoroughly investigate the place. He wasn't a man of many words, so it was hardly a minute before you were stuck with nothing else to talk about...

However, you noticed that he had glanced around before he leaned in, lowering his voice so that no one else could hear him.

"[Y/N], I think you know more than what you're pretending to," he muttered. "And, even though you seem to be quite a nice girl, I'm going to ask you a few questions to see what you really know."

A/N: Sorry for such a late update!! I have so many things I've had to do, but after a week or two, I should be back to normal!! Also, thanks to dracoline for commenting - it makes my day so much, I can't even describe it! And I'm an author - I should know that kind of stuff, haha' Anyway.. thanks for reading! I'll see you all soon 💖

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