The Children Return to their Mother

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REcap: Derrick was not here to reprimand her if she spent all day in her dressing gown. She felt oddly detached from him right now, as if he did not belong with her at all, as if, perhaps he belonged more to the woman who had struggled to hold his baby in last night, or perhaps he belonged more to the whores he was off visiting now. Perhaps they were easier on him than she was, and gave him the sympathy he craved.

He must mean a lot to Scarlett, she thought, remembering Scarlett’s agony and determination to continue the pain as long as possible, if it meant she could keep the baby inside herself. Maybe Scarlett loved Derrick more than she did. Was Scarlett perhaps right that she should be here in the plantation home raising Derrick’s and Michael’s children? Lizzie absently ran her fingers over one of the pretty plates Derrick had shipped in from Paris. This room, even more than the others, looked like part of a museum. Lizzie looked at the piano, the centerpiece of the room. My how Michael had liked to play on that piano!

How odd it was, that as a child she had not been willing to share a simple doll with Scarlett, and now she had shared both the love of her life, Michael, and her husband, Derrick! The same man who laid beside her at night had put a baby in Scarlett’s womb---- A baby she had been afraid to give birth to, and who now lay in an unmarked grave… She would ask Derrick for a rosebush for her birthday. Michael would be pleased for the baby to have a rosebush to cover its grave, and Scarlett might like the flowers, too.

 Despite her long rest, she still felt tired, so Lizzie settled herself on the upholstered sofa with a twinge of guilt. It was much fancier than the piece Derrick had replaced, and she imagined he had sold slaves on his plantation to buy it. She rested on it uncomfortably, not sure whether to allow herself to relax. The children were playing outside today. She had taken to letting CiCi take them out of the house when she was sure Derrick would be away. CiCi was young herself, and it would be good for her not to have a few days off from her indoor chores. They were probably staying with Patsy or one of the other field hands. This would give them the opportunity to adjust gradually to the change.


It was not until six months later that the sad day finally came. Derrick came home in a surly mood after being at the bar most of the day. Scarlettspurned him and he was angry at her and the children. Lizzie found she could not pacify him.

Derrick went on being angry for several days. Lizzie could hear him swearing at Scarlett under his breath. Each time he stomped past the children’s room, he seemed to get angrier. Lizzie saw the color in his face go from pink to dark red. She was afraid of what he might do; He looked as if he were mad enough to rip the door from its hinges. Lizzie was afraid for Patsy to even take food in, and told her not to open the door unless Derrick was asleep or away from the house.

Thank goodness the children had at least gotten a chance to observe life in the fields! They would not be totally unprepared. Maybe they would even gain strength from the experience as Michael had. And at least she did not have to turn them over to Mr. Stack; The man that Derrick had chosen as overseer actually had a kind heart and did not seek excuses to beat the slaves. Nevertheless, Lizzie was reluctant to do what she had to do. She prayed to Jesus to make the transition go smoothly, and to make it possible for Scarlett to open her heart to them as any mother would. She prayed that having them on the plantation would be enough for Derrick and he would not try to sell them again!. She wished she could take them back to Old Man Lowther to serve in his home. Unfortunately, he was dead, and all his slaves had been disbursed or sold at auction.

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