Lizzie Learns Michael's Fate

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“Dad, you’re back early from Charleston. What’s wrong?” Lizzie asked.

She had been unable to sleep, worrying about Michael’s escape. It was almost midnight. Michael should be safely in her cousin’s carriage by now and on his way to the safe house.

“Lizzie, daughter… I don’t know how to tell you this. I don’t know what went wrong. It had nothing to do with me. Please believe that!... Michael didn’t make it tonite,” Mr. Henderson said, lowering his head.

“What do you mean he didn’t make it? How do you know about that? Where is he? Has Mr. Stack whipped him yet? Dad you’ve got to stop it this time, I can’t take it!” Lizzie pleaded, shaken.

“Lizzie, sweetheart. Please have a seat." Mr. Henderson waited patiently for his only child to sit down before breaking the devastating news. "Lizzie, Michael is no longer with us.”

"What do you mean, dad?"

"He's dead, Lizzie. I'm sorry."

“What! That’s impossible! He can’t be dead. I built him a tunnel off the property. I bought him a new pair of shoes with my own money! There’s no way he could be dead! It must be someone else, dad. Some other slave, It can’t be Michael, dad!…How could you tell?” Lizzie asked, grasping for hope. Her father had been wrong before. Perhaps he was wrong now.

“Lizzie, he had the shoes with him.” He did not tell her they had been tied around his neck, as he was being tortured by the patrollers. “I recognized the young man who was like a son to me. It was Michael without a doubt in my mind... I found him close to the end of your tunnel, Lizzie. I had been planning to give him this on my return.” He showed her the Certificate of Manumission. “I’m so sorry he never got a chance to use it.”

Lizzie was shocked beyond belief. She had been afraid Michael would be brought back and whipped, but she had not even considered the possibility that he would die so soon. She felt like her chest was collapsing inwards, like a mountain experiencing an avalanche. She had become nothing more than rubble, scattered about to be trod upon. She noticed a sound more horrible than ordinary crying. It was herself. She was the one making the noise.


Mr. Henderon knocked on the door to Scarlett's cabin, carrying his hat in his hand. He had Michael's Certificate of Manumission with him.

Scarlett was surprised to see her owner at the door. She had not spoken with Mr. Henderson, nor received more than a passing glance since Mr. Stack had become overseer.

Mr. Stack had the day off and was in town, despite his reluctance to stop the work on the plantation  for Michael's funeral.

Did this unexpected visit have something to do with Michael? Scarlett was extremely worried. Were they looking for him now? Had they come to question her? What would she say?

“Scarlett, try not to fear me. I have hard news for you. You deserve to know as soon as possible,” Mr. Henderson said, closing the door behind him, and taking his hat off his head to rest in his hands.

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