Chapter 4-Back to School

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"I'm new here, and I need my schedule, please," I replied.

"What's your name?" She asked, glancing back at the computer.

"Elaina Delnaire."

"Ah yes. Let me print your schedule real quick," she said, turning in her office chair and walking into the back room, presumably where the printer was. A couple seconds later, she walked back over to the desk, handing me a paper still warm from the printer.

"There you go, and if you need anything, come to the office and ask for Ms. Dillon," she said. "It was nice to meet you."

"You too, Ms. Dillon," I said kindly, smiling at her. She had to be at least 5'9.

I walked down the hallway, trying to find my locker. Once I located it, I noticed that it was right next to the room my first class was in. That was fortunate because I was already running a few minutes late.

As I skiddishly walked into the classroom, a man who strongly resembled Ms. Dillon greeted me. He smelled like wolf too.

"Hello, are you new here, young lady?" He asked, smiling warmly. I smiled back.

"Yes. I'm looking for Mr.," I looked down at my paper to check the name and then looked up, confused. "Mr. Dillon?" I asked. He laughed.

"I see you've met my sister in the office. I'm Mr. Dillon, the English teacher. That's Ms. Dillon the secretary," he replied. I nodded, realizing that the siblings worked at the same school.

"Take a seat, please. We've just started talking about different genres we read over the summer," he said.

I found an empty desk in the middle of the room, in front of a red haired girl with caramel eyes. She smiled at me as I sat down, and I did the same. She was also a wolf.

As he turned to the board, she tapped my shoulder. I turned around.

"I'm Jacey. What's your name?" she asked cheerfully.

"Elaina," I replied with a smile, Mr. Dillon the teacher's voice just white noise to our conversation.

"Cool. I can show you around school if you'd like," she said.

"Ms. Tellen, since you're already so intrigued with our new student, would you mind helping her find her next classes?" A loud voice behind us interrupted. I turned forward, embarrassed, but not letting it show.

"Yes, I was just offering that, Mr. Dillon," she replied promptly. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"I see. Please pay attention to the lesson, ladies," he said. I nodded, looking back at Jacey who winked.

I smiled and turned around.

After about fifteen minutes of actually paying attention to the lesson, there was a knock at the classroom door. A man with emerald eyes and chocolate brown hair stepped halfway in, his body divided by the door.

"Hey. Aunt Jen- I mean Ms. Dillon sent me down here with some pape-" The boy inhaled deeply. When he opened his eyes, they were far deeper green.

His eyes scanned the room and I realized who he was. The boy that saw me on the cliff. My wrist started pulsing and I knew that he was the one. My other half. His eyes passed over me, and for a moment, I thought I was in the clear. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. But suddenly, his eyes snapped back to me, and they turned black.

Mr. Dillon looked at the boy, then followed his gaze to me and his eyes widened. Just as the boy was about to step forward, Mr. Dillon out his hands on his chest.

The Alpha's Mermaidحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن