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"Elcie. Elcie!" Her brother called out. Elcie snapped out of daydreaming


"What's happening to you? Are you okay?" Tanner asked.

"W-Well, yeah... I'm just... nervous." Elcie clasped her hands in nervousness.

"For what? Going to Korea? That's like your lifetime dream." Tanner exclaimed.

Elcie sighed and looked out of the car window.

"I know." Then silence engulfed in the atmosphere.

Elcie can never forget what happened yesterday.

And she feels really bad for ending the call immediately. All she remember was the words he said in the call.

Elcie, I know your flight is tomorrow. I'll fetch you and explain. 

Elcie was quiet the whole trip to the airport. She did all the work with the help of his brother, who was worried sick.

Before she boarded the plane, she took a look in her phone again, which was silent the whole time.

26 míѕѕєd cαllѕ
15 mєѕѕαgєѕ

"Who could this be?" She said to herself.

She looked at the missed calls and got shocked.

"Hyunjoon? And Juyeon... And Kevin too... Why did they call?"

The plane started, making her turn off her phone.

After a few hours, the plane she was riding has finally landed and let the passengers out.

"Here we go." She proceeded to get her bag.

"Why am I alone? I hate this already." She said to herself.

She got out of the airport and waited outside, amazed at what she's seeing.

"I can't believe I'm in here already." She said to herself.

Suddenly, her phone vibrated and showed a message.

hyunjoon :)
hey elcie. have you landed?

hyunjoon :)
if you see a guy wearing a red hoodie with white stripes and jeans, just approach him

hyunjoon :)
also he might be wearing a mask with an x on it...

hyunjoon :)
he knows you, dont worry.

hyunjoon :)
im sorry i cant come. dont worry, next time im actually coming.

alr thanks..

hyunjoon :)
see you around.

Elcie kept her phone in her pocket again and looked around.

Suddenly, a guy stopped right in front of her. She confusedly looked at him.

"Hi Elcie." He said.

She looked at him again. All the descriptions that Hyunjoon listed was what he was wearing.

"Are you the guy Hyunjoon was talking about?"

He nodded and hummed as he helps her with her stuff. Another guy came in, who seems like the driver of the car, and helped too.

"Get in, Elcie." The masked guy escorted her at the back seat, he then followed at the other side.

The driver then got in and started the car.

"It is okay there, Hyunjae?" He asked.

"Did I hear it correctly?" She thought to herself.

The guy right beside Elcie removed his mask and showed who she was thinking about.

"Yup." He then looked at Elcie and smiled.

Elcie then blushed.

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