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mukbangfairy: hey elcie!

elcieyousoon has joined the chat

elcieyousoon: hey! is this a new groupchat or smth???

mukbangfairy: nope just you and me :)

elcieyousoon: erm okay but why tho?

mukbangfairy: i actually want to know you better and i cant really do that in the gc so here i am

mukbangfairy: is it okay with you?

elcieyousoon: yep its okay

mukbangfairy: yay!


elcieyousoon: awwhhhh thats like my fave gif to use lol

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elcieyousoon: awwhhhh thats like my fave gif to use lol

mukbangfairy: do you like kevin and q????

elcieyousoon: i like all of them tbh

mukbangfairy: but whos your fave tho? 🤔

elcieyousoon: honestly... i kinda like hwall...

mukbangfairy: ooooohhhhh

mukbangfairy: uhmm ok then lol

elcieyousoon: hbu? whos your favorite?

mukbangfairy: uhm... haknyeon

elcieyousoon: oh hes so cute :')))

mukbangfairy: REALLY??!?!!!

mukbangfairy: YAAAAAYYYYYY!!!

elcieyousoon: i didnt know anybody who likes haknyeon but now youre here!

mukbangfairy: uhm should i be sad or thankful that they like me...

mukbangfairy: I MEAN haknyeon... not me smh

elcieyousoon: i kinda believed you for a second lol

mukbangfairy: dont believe me im just joking hehe

elcieyousoon: sure why not XD

elcieyousoon: btw are you a boy or a girl?

mukbangfairy: im a boy but im not gay or anything :)))

elcieyousoon: owhhhh its okay i understand 🤗

elcieyousoon: are all of the people in the gc guys too?

mukbangfairy: yep :)))

elcieyousoon: well... i dont really have guy friends so there you are guys XD

mukbangfairy: yayyayayayyayay

elcieyousoon: also how many are you  guys there?

mukbangfairy: 12 so with you 13 ;)

elcieyousoon: wow youre really many tho but its like the boyz so its okay XD

mukbangfairy: i guess so hehe

mukbangfairy: anyways can i ask you smth?

elcieyousoon: yep

mukbangfairy: if you met the boyz what would you feel?

elcieyousoon: i will feel awesome tbh but i dont thim i could meet them with school and everything :'(

mukbangfairy: awhhh just stay positive ;)

mukbangfairy: anyways i have to go i have to go to school to hehe

elcieyousoon: okay good luck!

mukbangfairy: you too! Byeeeee

mukbangfairy is offline

elcieyousoon is offline


"Hyung, she likes Hwall."

"She likes me?!"

"Well, she said she likes all of us but yeah... She likes you."

"That is not what I was expecting."

"Okay I'm gonna assume that you don't mean that." He pouted.

"Guys, let's go practice."

"Haknyeon hyung, how did you know that she likes me?"

"I asked. By myself."

"You talked to her privately?!"


"Well, okay then."

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