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rapperLJ is online

rapperLJ: hey elcie! sorry abt the sudden chat...

rapperLJ:... if you dont mind this at all hehe

elcieyousoon is online

elcieyousoon: hey uhmmm what should i call you hehe

rapperLJ: just call me j :)

elcieyousoon: oh okay 😁

elcieyousoon: sooooo what do you want to ask?

rapperLJ: just some stuff about the boyz ofc XD

rapperLJ: anyways did you ever meet them? maybe in a concert or smth?

elcieyousoon: i want to soooo badly 😭

elcieyousoon: even in a fanmeet it would be fine

elcieyousoon: but i cant even go to korea for that 😟

rapperLJ: why cant you?

elcieyousoon: im kinda earning money but its not enough

rapperLJ: ohhhh well hopefully you'll see them soon :)))

elcieyousoon: wait have YOU seen them?!

rapperLJ: yup in a fanmeeting


rapperLJ: uhm elcie im gonna tell you something and please dont tell anyone aby this

elcieyousoon: well okay sure anything

rapperLJ: i actually work with them

elcieyousoon: WOAH REALLY?!?!

rapperLJ: yep but just incase you dont believe me...


elcieyousoon: oh wow i never thought you would have that kind of job

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elcieyousoon: oh wow i never thought you would have that kind of job

rapperLJ: welp its technically my sister's job tbh

elcieyousoon: but still im amazed

elcieyousoon: anyways why do you ask?

rapperLJ: the what?

elcieyousoon: abt me meeting them

rapperLJ: well i actually will be in the fanmeet next month...

elcieyousoon: WAIT WHAT?!?

elcieyousoon: bc of your sister?

rapperLJ: yep she said im too lazy and she dragged me into this

rapperLJ: idk why tho but here i am

elcieyousoon: wait maybe i can actually go to korea

rapperLJ: how?

elcieyousoon: well im not actually going there to just attend the fanmeeting...

elcieyousoon: but my older sister os a stewardess and she invited us for her first flight and its going to korea

rapperLJ: thats cool then you could go!

elcieyousoon: maybe i can but... im kinda worried

rapperLJ: about what?

elcieyousoon: about going there i mean my sister wont probably go with me im alone when i go there

rapperLJ: ohhhh well... i dont really know how to help you

rapperLJ: do you trust me?

elcieyousoon: what?

elcieyousoon: i mean... idk

rapperLJ: its okay i understand its weird for me to ask that to a girl i havent even met

elcieyousoon: sorry about that but why were you asking?

rapperLJ: i was about to give you my phone number actually :)))

rapperLJ: if thats fine with you of course hehe

elcieyousoon: well i mean... fine you can :)

elcieyousoon: but if i sense smth wrong i hope you understand me

rapperLJ: ofc i do you have doubts and i would have doubts too if a complete stranger gave me his/her no.

rapperLJ: anyways here's my no. xxx-xxx-xxxx

rapperLJ: you can call me anytime if you need help :)

elcieyousoon: ok can i call you tomorrow?

rapperLJ: WOAH WHY??? :'(

elcieyousoon: i thought you were fine with it smh 😂

rapperLJ: oh yeah i said that hehe

rapperLJ: yeah sure anytime

elcieyousoon: ok im actually kinda happy right now 😊

rapperLJ: same

rapperLJ: anyways i have to go i have work to do

elcieyousoon: wait i have another question... well its not really a question...

elcieyousoon: more like a favor

rapperLJ: yeah sure what is it?

elcieyousoon: can you promise me to introduce yourself when i come to korea? you know, maybe meet me or smth...

elcieyousoon: just so i can really trust you...

rapperLJ: i wont keep promises...

rapperLJ: but i WILL try

elcieyousoon: really?!

rapperLJ: yep we will keep in touch :)

elcieyousoon: alr bye 🙂

elcieyousoon is offline

rapperLJ is offline

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