Chapter - 27 (her)

27 1 0

Four weeks passed away in the blink of an eye. Christian kept assisting me with the exercises and so far I have a steady recovery. He makes me feel like a princess. He tells me everything about his work and god I love to hear him talk . We toyed around the playroom too and it was a lot better than I could ever imagine. He kept reassuring me showing me , he did not tie my hands and the funny part was we actually played strip poker in the playroom. I finally met Christian's mother Grace and now I know where Christian gets his caring side from, she is a lovely and warm person. Mia and Elliot were quick to tease the hell out of Christian. Unlike Christian, Elliot is quirky and flirty upfront, he too has his own match his girlfriend Kate was quite nice which was weird given the fact I recently got from Christian that she is Anastasia's best friend. I never blamed Ana for swooning over Christian like that, he can bring the best and worst out of people around him. Christian showed me his old room he was quite a fighter according to Mia. 

A buzz from my phone broke me out of my reverie. There's a text from Christian, 'How is your day going Miss Cassel?' For the past weeks after Christian's persistence to work from home I started working from home, he also installed my own office in one of the spare rooms. Mrs.Jones is a delightful company to keep. I text him back immediately. 'It is going well, I finished up on Cliffgold Corp. I miss you.' He replied quickly, ' I have an urgent meeting in Columbia city with Krause & Pearson Ltd. They want to partner up on our next Eco manufacturing project. I am gonna miss you. CX' Suddenly I feel icky, maybe it's the fact that Christian will be away for tonight. We were so close in our own bubble I forgot the fact that he's a CEO of a global company. ' Take care, all the best Grey, I'll wait for you. Yours Genevieve.' 

I was about shut down my mac when Hailey video called me. Oh I missed her so much. She called me numerous times in the past week. " Hey ! How are you ? Can I say how much I adore your apartment? I bet Escala is 10 times better though." Hailey is enthusiastic about every little things. "I am doing a lot better and Escala is better because of him not the place." I said it out loud. She laughed her head off on that comment. " Oh look at you , You're smitten about Christian, he is the one right? " I nodded in a trance, even a day without him is difficult. "So, what is happening last time you told me that he helped you with your therapy he must really care for you. Where is he now? " 

" He has an urgent meeting Krause & Pearson in Columbia city, I never thought of KP wanting to partner up with Grey Enterprises especially in Eco manufacturing projects." Hailey looked stressed all of a sudden. "Genevieve I strongly don't believe that KP cares about eco friendly projects it still has a high risk factor and needs large financial support, one of my friends who used to work there and she said they recently signed a confidential deal with three paper companies. I think they are using their image as a click bait Genevieve you have to warn Christian about it." A nervous sweat rolled down my neck, if this is true ,Grey Enterprises reputation in the market will drop significantly. Paper/fake companies are toxic if linked to any legit companies. "But why are they suddenly interested in Grey Enterprises? They could have done this a long time ago." I asked her. Something is not adding up. " I don't know Jenny, but my friend said they actually attended the ball Coping together to bump into Christian there. He was there as a plus one I guess."

" Hailey thank you so much for telling me. I owe you big time. I'll call you later for sure. Bye. " I shut down my mac. I try calling Christian but it's switched off. Ever since I started working from home he left Taylor behind to accompany me. What if he doesn't believe me? No, Genevieve !!! I have to get a grip on myself. Who wants to ruin Christian's life and why ? Even his business rivals can't risk this much and stoop so low to do something like this. Could it be Elena? I have no proof of her link to Krause & Pearson. I pick up my purse and  head out to the garage.

 I wish I knew his exact location. I call the one person who can  help me in this situation.  Phil my IT guy. "Phil I need your help, Can you track Christian's exact location now? He headed for a meeting in Columbia city." He sounded surprised. As I walked towards my car I noticed Tire marks on the empty space left by Christian's car. I look closer and turned on my mobile flashlight. There's a jacked impressions between the regular continuous  zigzag pattern. Am I being too paranoid about this? " Miss Cassel , I think Mr.Grey could have his meeting  in a five star restaurant, I have 2 leads so far based on the data you sent me,  One is Rainier Avenue street to La Medusa restaurant or  Lake Washington Boulevard Street to Flying squirrel restaurant K&P CEO is a regular there and he was spotted there a lot of times doing meetings casual,it's his style." There's usual heavy traffic through Rainier Avenue Taylor is an expert in traffic I can send him there. " Taylor ,you have to find Christian immediately and please contact me when you do so I think there might be something wrong with his car can you notice anything unusual here?" I point towards the tire marks. " I'll try to contact him ASAP Miss Cassel. Where are you driving?" 

" I am going towards lake Washington street , My IT guy gave 2 leads, call me when you find Christian." I sped my car out of the garage before Taylor could convince me otherwise. The thought of Christian is dreadful I can't sit back and wait. It started raining heavily when I got to Leschi and drive towards Lakeside street. I speed a little because there's no traffic and it's a straight road. My tires make a screeching noise.. What the hell? what is happening? I slow down on Lake Washington Boulevard, The heavy downpour in late evening is making it harder to see outside with the head light . I didn't realize my phone was ringing as I tried picking it up it slipped out of grasp and fell down under the seat. Damn it !!!!!! There's a small turn and suddenly there's a big light is coming towards me I couldn't see the tree I swerved to avoid it. I heard the popping sound of one of the tires bursting It's so dark I pull the breaks It's no use!!!!!!!  

Before I could pull the hand brake the tires skidded on the wet road,  the car plunged into the dark water. I suck in precious air my trauma kicks in, my hands are trembling, the car is drowning deeper , I try to get out but my seat belt is stuck . I scream at the top of my lungs for help but it's so dark and it's raining so heavily. The car is still moving downwards the water is filling so fast !!!! I have to do something before I pass out from the cold water.  I wedge out of my seat belt and try to open the door. I pushed and it opened , the cold water gushed in , I can hear sirens I can't see anything , I push water and try to go towards the surface. I heard my name, It's Christian!! He's here he's okay !!! " GENEVIEVE !!!!!!" I got to the surface I am far from the road I try waving my hands. "Genevieve !!!"The coldness is sweeping my body as the darkness closes in........ 

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