"What about I make some dinner for us?" You suggested, you didn't really get to eat at Hoseok's place so you were starving.

"I love your cooking, no- (Y/N)," you cocked your eyebrow at the way he corrected himself, "But I wanna eat ramen outside!" He pleaded, using his puppy eyes once again to get what he wanted.

You pondered about it for awhile, there was a place that sold good ramen near your house so money wasn't really the issue, and you weren't feeling like cooking tonight so maybe going out would be a good idea.

"Alright," He cheered and nearly bolted out the door if it weren't for you grabbing his hand. "Let me just get changed then we go." He nodded excitedly, he took it as a sign to sit on the couch while you went up to your room to change into fresh clothes.

'Why is Jimin acting so strange?' You thought after changing into a shirt and shorts, pairing it with sneakers that were cleaner than your rubber shoes.

You hate to admit, but you were finding his dark gazes and deep voice sexy.

You shook your head to dismiss the thought before proceeding down to see that Jimin was waiting for you by the stairs. You both made your way towards the entrance and entered the car.

The drive to the ramyeon place was filled with small chatter, Jimin telling you about how his day with his hyung went, the kind of shows that the two watched. You nearly fainted at the fact that they tried to make popcorn.

Little did you know, he left out a very important conversation that he had with the older guy.

You previously told Jimin about the ramyeon place a few days back and figured that he got curious about it, you were craving for the same thing anyways so you really didn't mind. The two of you made your way inside the small restaurant, it was crowded but fortunately, the two of you managed to score seats.

After ordering for the both of you, you watched as Jimin curiously looked around the restaurant. It was your first time out in the restaurant with him. The past few days, you kept him confided inside the house.

But he finally learned how to properly use chopsticks and knew some of the basic etiquettes, you weren't that worried about taking him out.

"(Y/N)?" He called out to you causing you to snap from your thoughts. "Is this the thing that people on TV do?" You tilted your head to the side and waited for him to continue.

"What do you mean, Jiminie-ah?" He seemed to be deep in thought, searching for the words to say.

"A date?" You blushed at his words and realized that there was some truth in it. To any other person, it would look like a girl and a boy going out on a date.

Except it was just a girl and her dog turned human eating out.

Not wanting to disappoint him, you smiled, "Yes, a friendly date."

He didn't get to question the term that you added to his previous question as the food arrived. You chuckled when you saw him cheer and began to pick up his chopsticks the way that you taught him to. Like a mother proud of her child, you praised him.

The two of you continued to eat in silence, dismissing the topic that he had brought up earlier. You didn't want to bring it up either.

Some of the soup that Jimin was eating had splattered on to his cheek. You giggled at how childish he looked not noticing the pout on his face. You reached over for a tissue paper and reached over to wipe his cheek.

"Aren't we getting all chummy." The two of you turned to see Jihye. You fought the urge to roll your eyes and grit your teeth at the sight of her.

She was part of the company that your family owned, and you knew that she hated your guts. Because of you, she lost some opportunities the moment that you left. You also ratted her out for some of the things that she did.

"Hello, Jihye." You sweetly greeted her while she eyed you and Jimin. You couldn't help but feel anxious at the way that she was observing Jimin but you kept quiet.
"Is he your boyfriend?" She directly asked you, you weren't surprised at how frank she was being. You put up a well practiced smile.

"No, he isn't," You corrected her. "He's my friend." She looked at you with disbelief.

"Last time I checked, friends don't act so sweetly towards each other."

"Maybe you just had the wrong set of friends." You shrugged with an innocent grin on your face. The other gritted her teeth ruining her beautiful features.

'Beautiful my ass.' You did notice the curious glances that Jimin was giving her.

"Wonder what happens if daddy and mommy find out about this?" You nearly shivered at her words but they couldn't really do anything about you now. You had your own life, they couldn't control you.

"Oh, do let them know that I finally found such wonderful company," You told her, unfazed by her previous words. "Hanging around you all the time at the company was taking its toll. Maybe if I tell them the truth about-" Before you could continue with what you were saying, Seulgi huffed and spun on her heel. She gave one last glance at your table before looking at Jimin.

She winked at him and you could only roll your eyes. You couldn't believe that she was willing to go that low.

"Jimin, don't involve yourself with her, okay?" You snapped him out of his thoughts and he nodded obediently. You silently thanked the heavens that Jimin wasn't the defiant kind.

You were certain that you would hear a call from your parents very soon.

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