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It had been a year.

A year. It's a long time when nothing happens. When it's filled with hurt, sorrow, anguish and grief, and when you're drowning in darkness with seemingly no way to escape, it feels like time doesn't exist. For Yoongi, time hadn't existed during the last year, to the point where he couldn't tell if the year had felt like a lifetime or like a single day. 

August, surprisingly, was filled with sunny days. Of course, they weren't all cloudless, and the day of Catalina's death anniversary had crying skies and aching thunderstorms. Yet, to Yoongi, it was nothing compared to last year's rain. 

And now here he was, back in Dr Surrey's empty waiting room, a year and two days after Catalina had died, eleven months after he had first been here. Eleven months after he had first stared at the painting of the stormy seas hung over the cold chairs of the waiting room. Here he was, alone in the waiting room, staring at the painting that had yet again changed. 

Eleven months later, the seas weren't so troubled anymore, the skies weren't as grey as before. The rain was still there, but it seemed weak, and the wind wasn't strengthening the storm, rather it was slowly blowing away the clouds.

He found it strange, how he used to only see the storm and the rain, and now he could see the rays of the sun piercing through the clouds. Rays of hope that the storm would eventually go away, rays of light than eleven months ago weren't noticeable at all.

The door to the waiting room opened.

"Min Yoongi, the doctor will see you now," the secretary said. 

He quickly stood up and made his way out of the room and into Dr Surrey's office, giving one last glance to the painting. Somehow, he knew this was the last time he would be seeing it. Because he could now see the light in it, the light that took a whole year to come back but that was finally here to stay. 

Dr Surrey smiled at him as he sat down in front of her. 

"Yoongi, how are you?" Her voice was soft, as always. 

He nodded, "I'm good."

Dr Surrey noted something down. 

"I'm glad to hear it. Since today is our last appointment, I want to talk about some things with you, if that's okay." 

Yoongi raised his eyebrows in questioning. 

"First, about your support system. You're doing better now, and since we won't see each other for a while, I'd like to talk about people you can seek help and support from, should you ever need it."

He nodded slowly. 

"My mom, of course." His voice was soft and determined, not a hint of hesitation in it.

His mom had always been there when he needed it, ever since he was a kid, and even more so in the last year. He wasn't so sure he would still be alive today if it wasn't for the way she held him as he cried during the nights, for the way she listened silently as he screamed his anger to the world, for the way she did everything she could to help him survive the pain. Even though she couldn't understand what he was going through, she did her best to, and she always seemed to know what he needed before he even knew it himself. He owed her his life and his sanity.

"I see. Who else?" Dr Surrey inquired. 

Yoongi shrugged awkwardly. "I don't have many friends," he said silently, not knowing how to explain to his doctor that his mom was the only reason he was still alive. Sure, he had friends, but they didn't help and understood him the way his mom did. They didn't save him like his mom did. 

August rain | myg ✔Where stories live. Discover now