The Space Battle of Mobius

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A transport turned to jump to hyperspace, in spite of the warnings not to from Hera, Ezra, and Sabine. It jumped only to be pulled back.

"What was that?" Sonic asked.

"The interdictors," Ezra said, "their technology allows them to pull ships from hyperspace."

The transport was obliterated by the combined fire of the stardestroyers, light cruisers, and transports.

"There will be no escape," Thrawn said, "This is where you die."

"You underestimate us, Thrawn," Ezra retorted, "We will defeat you again and this time, you won't return."

"I don't think you heard me correctly, there is no escape. Your death will be by my hand. Now, let us proceed."

The holograms flicked off. After a couple minutes of silence, Sonic spoke up.

"How do we beat them?" He asked.

"We have our starfighters," Hera said, "ten CR90s, fifteen hammerheads, seven Nebulon-Bs, your capitol ship, and a couple of Mon Calamari cruisers. Alongside about a dozen transports. We're outgunned, outclassed, and severely outnumbered. Our only hope for even escaping is to take down the interdictors."

"I have a plan," Sonic said after a couple seconds, "Rouge, Silver, Charmy, Tails, form up on the Flagship. We're making a run for the center interdictor."

"What, are you NUTS?!" Sabine asked, "THAT'S SUICIDE!"

"The shields on the Flagship are strong," Tails said, "they can stand the barrage."

Hopefully, Tails thought.

The Flagship began surging forward flanked by an a-wing, b-wing, x-wing, and y-wing. The ship immediately started taking fire. Its weapons began to fire on the interdictor in front of them. Fighters began swarming the capitol ship. The four fighters scrambled to fight the TIE craft.

"Send more fighters to help them," Hera said, "everyone else, protect the transports and move on the light cruisers and their transports. Let's thin their forces out and provide more openings for bombing runs on the interdictors."

The fleet surged forward while fighters peeled off to join the Mobians. The Mon Calamari cruisers fired off several rounds at a couple of transports. Four went down, yet all of the transports had launched their craft and the walkers were all being shuttled to the stardestroyers. The corvettes also began firing on transports, taking down a dozen more, but by that time the walkers were all aboard the stardestroyers. The Nebulon-Bs took the last six down. The center interdictor finally went down.

The Flagship's shields were breached at last. The ship began taking heavy fire and the hull began blowing up. After a couple seconds, all escape pods were launched. Not long after the ship blew up. The passengers split into two pods. One holding Sonic, Amy, and Vector, the other holding Knuckles and Omega.

Although three light cruisers were destroyed, the Rebellion was now losing transports fast. With the Flagship destroyed, the stardestroyers focused fire on the rest of the fleet. Sonic's was picked up by the Starbird while Knuckles's was picked up by the Ghost. The sensors started to scream with incoming signals.

"Fighters incoming!" Ezra shouted.

With the combination of fighters and stardestroyers firing on them, ships were being destroyed rapidly.

"Where are Tails, Silver, Rouge, and Charmy?" Ezra asked

"They said they were going to try to make a run for another interdictor," Sonic explained.

"That's an even worse idea than making a run with a capitol ship!" Ezra said.

It seemed that Tails, Rouge, Silver, and Charmy all figured it out, as they immediately broke off their attack when dozens of TIEs began tailing them. A massive explosion was seen near the center of the fleet. One of the Mon Calamari cruisers was destroyed and the other was taking very, very heavy fire. The starfighters that were still among the fleet were blowing up quickly. Corvettes and transports were being slaughtered and all of the nebulon-bs were already destroyed.

"Full retreat!" Hera shouted after the other Mon Calamari finally was destroyed, "Return to base! Maybe we can beat their land forces. Or we can outlast them."

The ships all turned around and headed back to the surface, firing behind them to shake any stragglers.

Once they landed, Sabine went straight toward the shield generator. Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Tails, Knuckles, and Blaze gathered together.

"If we can go super," Sonic said, "I know we can take down the remaining interdictors."

"Sounds like a good plan," Shadow said, "but the Chaos Emeralds scattered all over the planet after the last time we used them."

"Then we run all over the planet and look for them," Sonic said.

They all dashed away just as the shield came alive.

"Where are those six going?" Sabine asked.

"I think they're looking for the Chaos Emeralds." Ezra replied.

Ezra held Sabine and they looked at the sky, preparing for the inevitable orbital bombardment.

The battle continues, next part. Coming soon.

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