"Is that your way of asking me to spend more time with you?" I chuckled. A small smile broke out onto his face. He slowly lifted his right hand towards my face and ever so slightly, he let his knuckles brush against my cheek.

"How can you be here? How can you be sitting right next to me? How are you my mate? The moon goddess said I was mateless. She didn't even help me. Maybe thats why you're here. Because she didn't keep her end of the bargain. But you can't be my mate." He whispered to himself. He withdrew his hand and looked at me coldly. 

"Why?" I asked. 

He looked away as he replied, "The only goodness the Moon Goddess has done for me, other than possibly you, is the cautions he gave me. She said that the daste witches had made a weapon to kill me. That they had been planning this for a long time. I killed them all before they could use it. But that doesn't take away the existence of the weapon."

"For revenge." I whispered.

"Xavier, look at me?" I try and mind-link. He doesn't even move. I try again, but I still don't get a response from him. Is he trying to ignore me, or is it really my ability to mind-link? Well if I can't get a response from him, I'll get it from my lycan. That is, if he is still there.

 I'm bleeding!" Xavier's head rapidly turned towards mine, and he began scanning all over for any signs of injury. I wanted to start laughing, that is until he grabbed by wrist and turned it over, still looking for any blood. I whimpered as he touched my mark. 

"Is it here? Does it hurt here?" He asked worriedly.

"No, no! I was only joking about bleeding. I wanted to see if you were ignoring me and if I could mind-link." I rushed to say. I flinched as he held my wrist a bit tighter. 

"Then why do you look like you're in pain?"

Should I tell him about the mark? Because of the bond, my stupid heart trusts him, but not my mind. These two different entities scream different things. I don't know which one to believe. Does one follow their mind; the logic and common sense? Or do they follow their heart; the one that does not have a steady rhythm, the one that can fail you and beat erratically and dangerously? Would it be wise to tell him? Or do I want to tell him to spread and share the burden? 

But I had to trust him on this. He knows more about the daste witches then me. The life of my family is at stake. I could not afford to be stupid. I could not afford to make mistakes and not tell him. I had to.

"Don't talk out loud in case anyone hears us." I said into the bond. "Please." I added. He nodded and the look of confusion on his face intensified. I slowly withdrew my wrist from his grasp, still flinching. Then I pulled back my sleeve and let him see it. The mark was on the inside of my arm, and so he carefully held the outer part of my arm. He pulled my arm towards him as he looked at the mark.

"I don't understand." A look of disbelief covered his face and he let his hand gently caress around the mark. I was more frightened of the mark now. It hasn't disappeared like the note said, instead, it is more detailed then before. Xavier's breathing got more heavier and his eyes began to glow red. "Explain. Are you on there side? Are you here to kill me?"

"What? No? I don't know much about it. Only that its a daste witches symbol. But I'm a wolf, not even a witch. It's a curse of some sort. It has to be." I tried to explain. 

"No it isn't. It's their sist symbol which binds them all together. You are part of their sisterhood." Xavier said into the bond. "Maybe you don't know it, but you have a purpose. I have an idea of what it is, but I hope I'm wrong. You are my equal. You have to be as dangerous as me. And here I thought the Moon Goddess had -"

"I'm not their weapon! This morning I was reading about them, you have to be born a witch and chosen to be a part of it. I only got the mark yesterday. I got this threat and a riddle of what I had to do to save my family. And my wolf has been saying that something has been interfering with my memory." Xavier remained silent, as we both sat on the cold dungeon floors. "Please say something."

"Have they contacted you directly?" He asked hesitantly. 



I huffed. "Let me start from the beginning." And I told him everything because it seemed stupid not to.

" And I told him everything because it seemed stupid not to

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