Chapter 6

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Hesitantly, I walked in

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Hesitantly, I walked in. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the darkness but then at least I could make out the endless amount of food on the tables that were impatiently waiting for me to taste them. The table was vast and decorated with gold. The chairs were of the same design. There were chaise lounges littered around some areas of the large hall. I could see the floor shine and I was sure that if I looked at the polished floor if there was light, I could see my reflection. I wasn't surprised to see a grand piano in a corner, and tall candle stands everywhere around the perimeter of the hall. The Banquet Hall itself was huge, yet it would only be us two occupying the room.

Speaking of us, where was he? Where was Xavier?

I hadn't even said his name out loud yet the hairs on my neck raised immediately. I noticed that the balcony door was slightly ajar and so I made my way there without even realising it. My body took off, one step after another until I paused. I lifted my hand slowly, trailed it across the door knob and opened it wider.

I saw him, fiddling with his pocket watch, staring out into the dark landscape. He seemed to be deep in thought because he did not notice my presence.

"Xavier." I said out loud, wanting to test his name. I presume I startled him, because he didn't turn his head to look at me. He looked straight ahead but I could see that he raised his eyebrows, "Who told you my name?" He asked icily.

"Well someone had too, your highness." When I saw his eyes narrow as he looked ahead at the endless landscape, I added, "When were you going to introduce yourself? Its not that difficult, even for you." I was met with silence.

"Why don't we eat, Katherine?" He broke the silence.

"Who told you my name?" I mimicked him. I crossed my arms for effect. But I was really curious to know how he knew my name.

Then I remembered how I had said it when I had tried to break our bond and reject him. Just the idea of it made my wolf anxious. She didn't understand how I could have wanted such things.

"The food is getting cold." Was all he said. I saw that there were only two big plates laid out, on at the very end of the table, and one adjacent to it. He made his way to his seat but before he sat down he straightened back up. He then eyed me carefully as I stood near my seat. His hands reached out to nowhere in particular before he pulled them back and then he proceeded to sit down. I titled my head to the side, as if I was not only figuratively trying to see a new side to him, but physically. If I hadn't known any better, I'd say he wanted to pull my chair out for me. Maybe I don't know better.

It annoyed me, that we were eating in the dark. I could only make out my plate in front of me. I couldn't even see his face, just his figure.

I cannot help but admit that I ate in a comfortable silence. No words were exchanged, but he made sure I was fed. Occasionally, he encouraged me to eat more. Then dessert came and that was when being away from home really hit me hard. It was a typical plum pudding cake with swirls of red present in the brown sponge. I was overcome with an acute feeling of nostalgia. My mother made this for me as a reward or a treat for studying and helping her do the chores or helping papa out in our farm. I relished its scrumptious taste. The light but sharp ginger was almost unnoticeable, just the way I liked it. There would be times were mother would put too much, and I would dislike the taste, but I never told her that. I never dared.

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