Chapter 30

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"What do you think?"

This was incredibly lame. I cannot believe that Akane brought me to go shopping with her. We've been spending a lot of time together and some people from school thought we were now a thing. She had pretty much confessed but I wasn't ready for romance yet, diving right in would be a big mistake. I wanted to take my time with her, going out together was good enough so far.

Right now she had DRAGGED me out of my home LITERALLY...I mean, I had no idea she even knew my house address. She came knocking on the door, I opened it and she pulled me away the second she saw me. She forced me out on an early saturday morning to go shopping with her for a charity event her parents were hosting. She invited me and even bought me a very fancy suit to wear, she also invited my parents promising to send some clothes over if they didn't have suitable ones.

Damn, what a girl.

"Chihaya, put that down and come help me out." Akane's best friend had also joined us but she had done nothing but read, I wish she could help carry some bags. I look at the load in my hands, I wasn't even her boyfriend yet and she was already treating me like one. Akane walked over and dragged the book from Chihaya, she threw it aside, it fell to the ground and my eyes caught on to the cover.

"Oh no." I sighed. What are the odds that she was reading a manga version of Alice in Wonderland and what are the odds that the page in view was a shot of two handsome guys who were no doubt the characters of the Cheshire cat and the Mad Hatter.

"Akane, careful I just bought that." Chihaya picked the book up. "Last volume of Arisu in Wonderland."

"Oh please." Akane rolled her eyes. "Give me a break. I respect our custom and all but why is manga always fond and changing things up so it soothes to adolescent girls only? I mean Alice in Wonderland was originally a children's work but with advanced years it has become something geared towards male and female of all ages and then there's us, turning it into bishounen hot men and reverse harems."

"Geez Akane, let a girl dream a little."

"I'm just saying, the mad hatter is a deranged and short middle aged man not a handsome guy in a top hat."

"I wish." I murmured to myself.

"And the cheshire cat doesn't turn into a cute cat boy."

"Oh boy." I murmured again.

If only they knew.

"Don't you think so too Yuu?" Akane asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know, I guess it can be interpreted anyway by a writer."

Akane smiled. "Yuu, do you mind me asking something? I promise I don't mean to offend you with the question, I just-"

"What is it?"

"Is there a reason behind your family name? Maybe your ancestors were really attached to the story or something."

Oh our ancestors were really involved in this one, getting our lives intertwined with beings from another realm and forced to answer a ridiculous family name.

"I'm not sure, I haven't really asked about the story behind the name."

"Seriously?" Chihaya asked. "I definitely would have asked a lot of questions if I were to be answering a name like Wonderland."

"CHIHAYA!" Akane scolded her.

There was a time what she said would get to me but now I just laughed it off. I agreed the name was ridiculous but it showed I was a part of something special. I guess a part of me had become proud of the name.

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