Chapter 5

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I had always expected and longed for my first kiss to be very special. Maybe being alone with a cute girl, laughing and having fun, suddenly our hands brush against each other and we nervously pull away, then look at each other, stare into each other's eyes and lean in for a soul burning first kiss. Everyone wanted their first kiss very special and with someone you like, but what were you supposed to do if you were in my shoes?

Pinned to the ground, being kissed by a lunatic wearing cat ears and even worse, he was a guy. I was losing my first kiss to a man who was also a stranger. I finally got a hold of my senses and push him away, cleaning my lips. "W-what are you doing?" I asked.

"Hmm?" He gave a satisfied grin, cocking his head to the side. "What am I doing? I'm kissing you of course."

He said it without a worry, he was really starting to piss me off. "Why did you kiss me all of a sudden? Who do you think you are anyway?"

"I am Lacus, the Cheshire cat." He said. "And I kissed you because you are cute." He leaned closer to me. "I like cute things." I felt something hairy lightly tickle me, I looked to see what resembled a tail, a cat tail mixed of green and purple, what was going on? He used his tail and caressed my lips. "You have such sweet lips, but you were so inexperienced, was I your first kiss cutie?"

I could feel my hear pound, but why? It had something to do with that tail that was still touching me, roaming my body and those gorgeous eyes of his.


Did I just say gorgeous?

No no, I couldn't be thinking that, he was a guy and I was a guy. I couldn't think that another guy was gorgeous, I could admire his good looks but not to be enthralled by them. Even though he was truly one handsome guy.

"So, what's a cute little thing doing out here all by yourself?" He asked. "It's getting late, you shouldn't be out on your own." He grinned again. "You might run into troublesome people."

"I'm trying to get home." I said. "I woke up and these people kept on blabbing about Wonderland and then this cute white rabbit-"

"Yoichi?" He said.

He knew him?

"The cute bunny?" He grinned again. "Oh my, why didn't I know sooner, I would love to play around with him."

Was this guy serious? He did know that Yoichi was a guy like him right? Well I'm sure he did. He did use the kale pronoun for him. So why was he saying all these things? Was he into guys? I honestly had nothing against that but I was still a bit uncomfortable since I was alone with him.

"Please can you show me the way back home?" I asked.

"Back?" He asked. "There is no way back, not unless you meet with the Queen."

"The Queen?" I asked.

"Yes, the Queen." He said. "The Queen of Wonderland, only she grants people the power to leave and return to Wonderland."

Oh great, another Wonderland bullshit talk. I didn't know what to think anymore, if this was a prank, it had gone on for far too long. But there was nothing I could really do, so I guess I could just play along.

"Where is this Queen? Can you please take me to her?" I asked.

"Sure." He said. It made me really happy to hear that. "But not now, it's getting late and you're probably too tired, why don't-" a grin once again forming on his lips. "You come by to my house and spend the night with me there." I felt uncomfortable because of that request, especially since it was accompanied by a sinister smile. But at the moment, there was really nothing I could do, there was no where I could go, I didn't know where I was, I was lost and disoriented and needed help. And apparently he was the help.

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