Chapter 8

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Mika's POV

I watch as the mermaids drag Yuu into the water, I couldn't stand the sight if him at all. He didn't care about all the damage he was going, because of him, my mother was going to die and them everything I know and love will vanish. He deserved to die, but I couldn't kill him myself, the last time I attempted that I got unto trouble, so this time I asked the mermaids to do it. Maybe when his body was found, they won't suspect me, the mermaifs were well known for killing people by drowning in Wonderland. I leave the water and get dressed walking away.

It would be just a few minutes and then it will be all over, everything will be back to normal. Yuichiro would no longer exist and then Wonderland would be at peace, at first everyone would grieve his death but eventually they would move on with their lives. Yes, after a while, everyone would forget about him and be happy again. Everyone..except..


My mind went to Mina and what she would think if she saw her son dead? She trusted us in Wonderland so much, what would she do if Yuu dies here? Would she hate us forever? I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't live knowing that she hated me, I had to go back and help him. I quickly rush back to the river and to my surprise, I find Lacus already there, he had possibly saved Yuu from drowning, and now they were kissing?

"What are you doing?" I asked.


Yuu's POV

"M-Mika?" I call as Mika stared at Lacus and I, he had just caught us both kissing. I felt so embarrassed. "This isn't- I mean I-"

"What are you doing here cat?" He turned his attention to Lacus.

"I could ask you the same thing hatter." Lacus said. "What are you doing here?" Mika turn to look at me then back to Lacus, he didn't look like he was going to say it, he had asked some mermaids to kill me. But he had come back? Did he come back to rescue me? If he did then he had a change of heart right? Was there a little good in him? "Yuu was almost drowned by this mermaids, and I don't think they did it out of envy." Lacus said, he looked really angry. Not something the Cheshire cat would do. Was this because of me? "Why do I suspect that you told them to do this?"

He was on to Mika, but it wasn't surprising, we had a situation where I was almost killed and then suddenly a guy who wants me dead pops up, all fingers will be pointed at him of course. But even so, I didn't want to see the two of them fight, I remember when they almost fought yesterday, Ferid had- their hands, I look at Mika's hands and they were bandaged up, I had just now noticed it. I turn to Lacus, his wasn't, I wonder if he got it treated.

"Mika, did you do this?" He asked.

"Lacus." I call. "It doesn't matter, let's just leave-"

"Yes." Mika says all of a sudden. "I asked the mermaids to drown him, do you have a problem with that?"

The despicable fiend, how could he talk like that, he didn't even look like he felt remorse for what he did. Then why did he come back? Did he cone back to check of the deed was done? Did he come back to get rid of my body? Did he really hate me that much.

"I see." Lacus grinned as he stood up, leaving me. "Well then, do you have any last words? Because I am going to kill you right here and now."

"What do you think you can do kitty cat?" Mika smirked as Lacus growled at him, I had to stop this. I quickly stood up and ran in front of Lacus stopping him.

"Just ignore him Lacus." I said. "Please ignore him, you two shouldn't fight, remember what happened last time you tried to fight?" I look at his hand. "Speaking of which, are you alright?" I gently touch him and he jerked back pulling his hand away. He was still in pain. "You're still hurt, why didn't you get that checked out?" I asked. "He did." I referred to Mika.

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