Chapter 15

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"Look, look. A spell that turns you into the opposite gender."

"Hey, Mika, Lacus, wanna try it on Wonderland?"

I didn't know how much time had gone by, but while most of us worked, most busied themselves with goofing around and read spells from the wizard's spell book.

"I don't need Yuu to be a woman." Lacus said. "It's more fun when he's a man."

"You're weird." Makoto said as he and Shusaku continued slacking off.

Watching them got me so annoyed, they were the ones who even needed our help in the first place, this was their punishment and they wanted to just leave it to us. There was no way I was going to let that happen.

"Aren't you two going to help out?" I asked.

"We are." They chorused.

"No, you're not." I said. "You're slacking off and leaving the job to us, at least get something done, it's because of you we're all here isn't it?"

"Maybe you don't need the spell, you're already a mother as you are." Makoto said.

"I'm not being a mother." I yelled. "I just don't want to feel cheated, and we have a lot to do so maybe if you would both help out we could get things done faster."

They didn't seem to care about what I was saying, instead they just looked back into the big spell book they had with them.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"What's your problem?" Shusaku asked. "It's none of your business what we want to do. Lay off."

"WHAT?" I yelled. How dare he? He had no right to say that, we were the ones helping them, they couldn't treat us this way.

"Hey you two." Mika walked up to them. "Get up from there and get some work done before I descend on you." He gave them a death glare and they quickly reacted to it, shivering and chattering their teeth.

"Y-y-yes Mika." They said and finally stood up to help out.

"Don't scare the poor things Mika." Kimizuki said.

I for one felt they deserved it, finally as everyone was helping out, we could get something done.

"Wow, a spell to turn someone into a mermaid."

It didn't take a minute before Lacus had sat down looking at the spell book. "Lacus, what are you doing? We just got the twins to get up." I say to him.

"But I'm tired." He said. "I just need a little break. Ooh, a spell to make someone fall in love with you." He smirked and looked at me. "This could come in handy." He winked and I felt a shudder run through my body. I decide to just leave him be and continue with my work.


As if I didn't have enough problems already, there was an angry midget also getting on my last nerves. Shinoa had told Theodore to stay with us and help us out with what we needed, it wasn't among his to do list to piss me off but yet he was doing so. I swear I was going to lose it very soon.

"Be quiet over there you pest." Renée said.

"You can't talk to me that way." Theodore yelled.

Mika walked up to him. "You're starting to piss me off you dwarf." He cracked his knuckles, Theodore looked scared, he began to back away the Mika stopped walking. "Tch- typical, you dwarves are the same thing, you have such a big mouth yet you're such cowards."

"I-I'M NOT A COWARD." He yelled.

"Then what are you doing here?" Lacus asked, his eyes not leaving the spell book. "A dwarf wouldn't just sign up to become the wizard's helper. Did you get into trouble? Is someone after you?"

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